1. Be Polite To Others

We all like the person who is more polite to us and gives us the importance. Every human needs influence and attracts the one who seems to be more polite and gives respect and concern to him. That's why we should always be respectful and courteous to others which will help you alot in living a peaceful life in your society, and we have also been taught that give respect get respect that defines us that if we respect others, then others will also respect us and a person should always expect the same kind of attitude from others as his approach is to them.

If you are a kind person, you know the beauty of life and how it looks like, and if you are not, just try to be. If you don't know how to be polite, I'll tell you some steps, just follow me: Step forward to the person, Put on a smile on your face, Give a good handshake giving cheers and taking the person's name and continue talking. The most important step is your smile that provides the person with a feeling that you are so kind and sweet. 

Everyone should always kind to others and always smile

2. Take Care Of Your Physical Appearance

Physical appearance is the primary factor in the development of the personality because before talking to a person, our physical appearance helps the other person in creating a good or bad opinion about us in his mind. And so, we should be careful about our dress, shoes, hairs, teeth, etc., that makes a person think beautiful of us.

If you didn't understand that, I'd tell you, and You dont have to wear glamorous, shiny and fashionable clothes. You just have to wear clean and decent clothes and your dress should bo pressed. Same with your hairs, your hairs should be nicely cared for and maintained and combed. You should daily brush your teeth with regular care.

We should take care of our physical appearance.

3. Never Dishurt Anyone

We should never be rude or disrespectful to anyone that can dis hurt anyone, as it gives a negative image of us, which is not suitable for us. When our attitude dis hurt anyone, the other person will think of us as a cruel person, and no will like to talk to us or sit with us. That's why we should always be kind and polite to everyone rather than being cruel because the life of a brutal and cynical person is so terrible and no one would like to have such experience with no friends and no respect in the society.

And also, we do not stay satisfied in our life when we dis hurt anyone or do such types of evil deeds in society as our soul always remains in search of satisfaction. We must not forget that life is all about happiness and we should learn to stay happy so why don't we forget all the negativity and just fulfill our world with joy and beauty of our life.

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