Top 5 Easy Steps to create an Amazon Affiliate Site in India

There are already several blogs and websites that rely on the Amazon Affiliate program to generate a sizable income. It is simple and quick. It also saves you the trouble of looking for work in today's down economy.

To become an Amazon Affiliate, all you need to do is develop a website or a blog, and the rest is a time-tested rise to income.


How Do You Begin an Amazon Affiliate Website in India?

One of the finest methods to make money online is through affiliate marketing. With the Amazon Affiliate Program in India, you may easily earn a sizable income from the convenience of your own home. So, if you want to give this online business concept a shot, here is a step-by-step explanation of how to build an Amazon Affiliate site in India. This easy 5-step Amazon Affiliate guide will help you develop a profitable online business in no time and with minimal expense.

The 5 Pillars of a Successful Amazon Affiliate Site

A. Select a Profitable Niche

Once you've established an Amazon Affiliate account, you can begin with a few things and gradually add more as you acquire experience. Each link will pay you a commission if it sells something within 24 hours. As a result, you will begin to earn a higher Amazon Affiliate commission.


B. Select a Domain and a Web Host

Choose your Web Host wisely because their dependability will affect the performance of your website. Also, choose a domain name that is related to your niche. Read this BigRock Review to see why you should use Big Rock as your web hosting provider.

C. Make a WordPress blog or website.

It is critical to understand which theme to choose and build your website while starting a blog or website. However, make sure that the web design is clutter-free and visually appealing so that visitors aren’t distracted from the blog’s/main website’s objective.


D. Produce Interesting Content

The creation of high-quality content is the second most significant criterion. People will visit your website because of the content. Even if they are not interested in the products in your sector, effective content will persuade them.

E. Have an Effective Marketing Strategy

Finally, having an actionable Marketing strategy is essential. You must market your blog/website as much as possible to improve its visibility and increase traffic and sales.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Amazon Affiliate India Website

Here's how to choose a profitable niche for your Amazon affiliate website.


              You can find the best-selling products in your sector on Amazon. These items are a better pick because they are more likely to sell. However, picking a profitable niche is difficult. The first thing to remember is that the more expensive the things you choose, the more money you will earn. To begin, try to stick to higher-end items. However, if you do not feel comfortable marketing any of the things listed here, there are ways to sell inexpensive goods. However, in this scenario, you must select a large number of things at once. As a result, ensure that your niche title has a broader range.


You also don't want to choose a niche with a high number of competitors. If you are one of the few blogs that people can rely on, you will have an easier job establishing yourself. Look into the backlink profile of current articles in these niches as well. In the Google Search Engine, enter some keywords relating to your products. Examine the already-existing content. Some will be high-quality reviews with several backlinks. On the other hand, others may have poor writing and excessive advertising, which no visitor will tolerate.

You can outperform a site with fewer backlinks from sources that are less inclined to acquire the products. For this, you can utilize a backlink analysis tool like Moz's Open Site Explorer.


                Select a potential specialty and conduct research on existing Amazon India Affiliates who deal in it. It is usually an excellent decision if the sites you come across on that topic are already popular but not overcrowded. This is also possible using a keyword analysis.

You will need a Google Keyword Planner account for this. After you've created an account, go to Tools and, on the home screen, type in some keywords that define your products. Then, click on 'Get Ideas,' and you'll be taken to Keyword Ideas.

The higher a keyword's search volume, the more probable it is to sell. At the very least, each keyword should have an average search rating.

Hopefully, you've already decided on the products you wish to promote. So now we get to the how.


Select a Domain Name and Hosting Provider

              Make a Domain Name Selection. It will be more difficult to integrate more products in the future if your domain name is based solely on one product from the category you have chosen. As a result, make sure it has a broad appeal that can appeal to people with various needs within the same sector.

In addition, your domain name should be appropriate. Your initial visit is unlikely to look for your website by its URL. As a result, your domain name should include relevant keywords that will appear in search results by default.


Select a Web Hosting Company

          The best web hosting in India is a difficult decision. Some are too slow, while others provide bad customer service.

If you want to learn more about different hosting solutions before deciding, read these hosting comparison evaluations.

The next step is to set up your WordPress blog/website to post reviews and make product recommendations.

Create a WordPress Website/Blog

            WordPress is simple to use and install on most web hosting. You might even be able to discover a download link on your web host's website.

Adding Personalization to Your WordPress Blog or Website


It is not sufficient to install WordPress to create a blog. Now is the time to dress it up. Visitors will be drawn to a site with a compelling theme.

Remember that you can’t pick any theme that appeals to you. Your niche should be reflected in the theme. If you want your visitors to believe your content, it should appear professional.

You'll also require a couple of WordPress plugins for your blog. You will be presented with a vast list of alternatives; however, do not attempt to install all of them. To optimize your website, you need a couple of them.

You can go to Plugins – Add New from your WordPress site. You may also upload from here if you have any existing plugins that require it.

 However, whichever Plugins you choose, you must first install them.

Plugins might assist you in writing more detailed evaluations. You can also add image links and product information blocks to your reviews to help them stand out. Furthermore, some of them may potentially improve the speed of your website.

This is an excellent concept because, as previously stated, no one has the patience to sit through a slow-loading website. As a result, website speed is critical for a successful website.

Also included as a bonus is a comprehensive WordPress website maintenance checklist that will come in handy once your WordPress Affiliate website is up and running.

Use social media to promote your website. 


               Social networking platforms are the cheapest and most straightforward approach to promote your blog or website. Put some social media icons at the bottom of your blog and ask your viewers to share them.

Once you’ve made some money, you may additionally advertise by paying websites to share your blog. This will be more effective in the long run because it will attract more referral visitors than simply those who have found your blog.


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