How to Cooking With Eggs

Cooking With Eggs 

We use eggs for most cooking. They are the staple food in the kitchen. 

The egg can be cooked on its own - boiled, uncooked, fried, boiled. 

Or used as an ingredient in baking, batter, and cakes. 

Alternatively, use an egg to thicken the sauces or add air to lighten the dishes. 

The egg is truly amazing. And without it - our menus would be dull. 


But do you know much about the egg? 

 Chances are you never even thought about it. Well, then it's time for you to do it. 

 The most important feature of the egg - the content of the air. (he thought I would say shell). 

 When laid first, the egg does not contain air in a small air pocket. However, because the shell has holes, it allows air to enter. And as time goes on, the air moves inside the egg and the air packet grows. 

 As this air pack grows, the moisture in the egg evaporates. Therefore, as the egg grows, the yolk shrinks and shrinks and the white one splits and spreads. 

 And all of this contributes to cooking. Depending on how you intend to use the egg, decide how much new egg you should use. 

If you fry an old egg, you will end up with a flat ‘pancake’ instead of a clean round egg. 

 As the egg matures, it will become weaker and harder to separate. 

 In contrast to the new egg, which has a strong and firm inner lining. This makes peeling a shell from a boiled egg very frustrating. As the egg ages and the skin is relaxed, it allows the shell to peel easily. 

If you are lucky enough to have your hens, then you know how old your eggs are. But what if you have to buy them? 

An easy way to tell how old an egg is to put the egg in a container of water. 

If it sinks and lies horizontally - it is very new. 

If it sinks but tilts slightly - about one-week-old. 

If it sinks but stands upright - old, old. 

But if it floats - it is closed and be careful not to crack the shell. 

Some people prefer brown eggs and some white ones. But nutritionally they are the same, 

The caterpillars will also vary in color depending on the diet of the hen. 

Do you find your eggs cracked as they boil? Well, follow these simple steps to get perfect eggs, all the time. 

Use two-week-old eggs and make sure they are at room temperature. Act as a pin at the end of a round egg - this allows any potential steam to escape. 

Use a pan as small as possible, so that the eggs fit snugly - you do not need too much space, otherwise they may jump and crack.  

Boil, but only boil without boiling vigorously. Follow these tips and your eggs will not crack. 

Therefore, frying and hunting use as fresh eggs as possible. If the recipe requires that the eggs be separated, use fresh eggs as well. But if you want to peel the eggs easily, use the old ones. And when it comes to drawing, new is best, but older will do.

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