How to Connect With Your Body

Because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words, and images when we are in the creative flow, it is possible for us to occasionally forget that we even have a body. Yet, when undesirable propensities sap your body of its imperativeness and strength, your imagination and efficiency will be drained too.

There is nothing more frustrating than having an unwelcome headache, back spasm, dullness of mind, or the "shakes" obstruct your creative flow.

I once heard it said that I was a "small muscle athlete" because I played guitar, which meant that I needed to warm up those muscles and treat them well. Perhaps we are all athletes with small muscles as artists. After all, in order to complete our creative tasks, we do require some level of physical endurance.

Our creative tools all require the use of the body, whether it's hunching over an easel, playing a musical instrument, standing and walking on stage for an entire performance, or spending most of the day at a computer keyboard.

Daily care is required to maintain that body's resilience and strength.

For taking care of your body, daily self-care practices like getting enough sleep, eating three healthy, balanced meals that are evenly spaced out throughout the day (along with healthy snacks if you need them), moving your body actively, and drinking enough water are all essential.

The mind is also affected by taking care of the body.The mind and the capacity to solve problems, focus, and connect ideas will all be negatively impacted by fatigue, malnutrition, inactivity, and dehydration.

The Creative Cycle and Self-Care Touring with a band, practicing for a show, or working until the wee hours of the morning to finish a painting before a gallery opening are all examples of extraordinary situations in which we might loosen up on our self-care routine and establish new guidelines.

Then, after the show, tour, or piece is finished, we may experience an anticlimactic "low" or transitional period before getting back into the creative flow.

When things are "normal," the habits you keep every day will help you be resilient in the face of these extraordinary circumstances.In addition, they help you develop healthy habits and life skills that you can use in times of difficulty.

Put it into action Getting enough sleep and rest is one of the best ways to keep your body, mind, and spirit healthy.Tonight, wrap up your evening activities half an hour early and use that time to relax. Write or speak about the day's worries to let them go. Take a bath, have a massage, drink tea, listen to music, or read a book that doesn't make you think of work.

We can all come up with excuses for not being able to exercise, choose different foods, or pay more attention to our health.

You have a unique creative talent that you want to share with the world, but your creativity is only possible with a healthy mind and body.

Which of your reasons for not taking care of yourself is, then, more significant? Thanks for reading article. Be more creative.

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