How to clear dark spots on face

If the skin overproduces melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color, dark blotches on the face may result. Hyperpigmentation is the term for this.

 The following factors can lead to hyperpigmentation:

 hormonal changes brought on by age, including menopause and pregnancy, as well as UV exposure

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can also result from skin injury. People may have Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation because of:

 bites, scrapes, and burns from acne

improper or extreme hair removal methods

unruly hairs

abrasive skin care items

psoriasis or other skin conditions-related scarring

Dark spots on the face might have several causes in addition to hyperpigmentation. Because of this, it's crucial for a person to consult a doctor if they detect any changes to their current moles or dark spots, especially changes in texture, color, or size.

Products for hyperpigmentation frequently contain the active component hydroquinone.

Skin irritation can be brought on by hydroquinone. If not applied carefully, it could also brighten the skin around the black patches.

For instance, research from 2007Trusted Source shows that rats may develop cancer after exposure to hydroquinone. However, it has not been demonstrated by science that this also happens in people.

Skin irritation can be brought on by hydroquinone. If not applied carefully, it could also brighten the skin around the black patches.

Another well-liked remedy for hyperpigmentation is effective acid. It might not be as successful as other treatments, though.

One 2013 research

For the treatment of skin in 60 patients, Trusted Source compares a 0.75 percent effective acid solution to a 4 percent hydroquinone solution. According to the researchers, hydroquinone functions more efficiently.

Effective acid may not be suited for everyone because it can potentially irritate people with sensitive skin.

Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives. They accelerate the production of fresh skin cells, which can eventually lighten dark patches.

For severe hyperpigmentation, doctors may prescribe a professional-strength retinoid. Work on these products can take three to six months. The likelihood that a retinoid will irritate skin increases with strength.

Retinoids-containing products should not be used. Vitamin A can occasionally result in birth defects.

Retinoids make the skin more susceptible to UV rays, thus it's crucial to use a safe SPF on the face every day while taking them.

Acids known as chemical exfoliants disintegrate the epidermal layer of skin cells. They consist of beta acids, such as salicylic acid, and alpha acids, such lactic acid.

The use of chemical exfoliants also promotes the growth of new skin cells. They may also work well on dry or delicate skin. These acids do, like retinoids, make the skin more sensitive to the sun.

Cosmetic treatments for blemishes

Some people may want to think about cosmetic surgeries if topical treatments are insufficient to eliminate hyperpigmentation.

Several possible choices consist of:

With laser therapy, a dermatologist can target discolored regions with a light beam. Patch testing is crucial before laser therapy since there is a chance that it will exacerbate discoloration.


Chemical peels: Stronger forms of over-the-counter acid exfoliants are used in professional chemical peels. Stronger peels penetrate deeper layers of the skin, but their recovery times are longer.

Numerous goods and internet resources assert that certain home treatments can reduce hyperpigmentation. These include,

Alpha carotene in aloe vera gel

pomegranate extract, licorice root, and green tea

nuts milk

the tea tree oil

curcumin with lemon juice

Based on a person's skin type, tone, and the reason for their hyperpigmentation, a dermatologist can advise on the best strategies.

People should seek medical attention right once if existing dark spots alter, develop, or are numerous.

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