How to Become the Top Player in the World

So you want to become the best in the world? It’s not as impossible as it might seem, but it does take hard work and dedication. This guide will help you get started on your way to the top of the leaderboards!

Work on your weaknesses

Everyone has them—two, three skills they’re not great at. To get better at anything, you need to practice it over and over again. For example, if you’re a League of Legends player trying to get better at Zed , then play as much Zed as possible (instead of spending your time playing other roles). If you want to make a YouTube video about League, then write out an outline for what you want your video to look like and how long it should be.

Build a support system

Any good athlete will tell you that success comes from hard work, and a lot of hard work comes from having a support system. Whether it’s friends or family, having someone to encourage you and celebrate your victories can make all the difference. On their own, athletes tend to be competitive and driven—but if you’re trying to ascend beyond just being a good player (or writer or dancer), having someone else pushing you forward is critical.

Leave home

In order to become a pro, you need to get out of your comfort zone and play against players better than you. The more practice, higher quality games, and greater exposure you can get at a young age will put you on the right track toward becoming great. Although leaving home can be intimidating or even scary for kids who are used to living with their parents, making new friends and learning about new ways of life often prove rewarding.

Set goals

Your performance is only as good as your goals. If you don’t have specific goals, it’s hard to know whether you’re improving or not. Being aware of what you want out of tennis will help guide your training and match strategy. Identify some short-term and long-term goals that are realistic and achievable within a certain time frame, then start planning how you can reach them.

Work hard

Sure, being a top gamer may sound like it would be easy, but don’t be fooled. It takes incredible hard work and commitment to become one of them. To get started, you must have a solid work ethic. The hours are often long and grueling, and there will be plenty of times when you have no idea how or where your time is going to go. But that’s okay—in fact, it’s what you want!

Embrace change

If you aren’t open to change, you won’t be able to succeed. Change is part of life and something we should accept. As a competitive person, you will want to remain on top by learning and growing through experience, not just by playing games. Try new strategies, go beyond your comfort zone and stay sharp. Don’t get too comfortable with your current routine because no one can ever predict what will happen next.

Know your priorities.

When practicing, ask yourself, What am I doing with my practice? If you say something like, I’m doing what I think will get me better at chess then ask yourself, What exactly do you mean by getting better at chess? Are you talking about moving up on rating lists or becoming an International Master? Or is your goal to become a grandmaster? These are vastly different and require vastly different amounts of effort.

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