Step 1: Consider whether freelancing is for you.

Freelancing has its pros and cons but, in general, you must possess a specific mindset to be a freelancer. Being your own boss is a great thing if you’re disciplined and reliable. Freelancing enables you to set your schedule, so you can take a day off whenever you want, but you won’t be paid for that time because there is no such thing as paid leave.

If you want to be a freelancer, you should maintain a daily work routine, be ready to juggle several assignments at once and continually look for new projects to maintain a steady flow of work.

If you’re still working full time, don’t immediately quit your job. Instead, combine freelancing and full-time work until you accumulate enough clients and connections to support yourself as a freelancer. Working from a comfortable place of steady work and safe income is a much better environment for developing your freelance business.

Step 2: Find a platform.

Most freelancers use freelancing platforms to find work. While recommendations and social media channels like LinkedIn can also be a great source of gigs, freelancing websites are popular because they allow you to connect effortlessly with clients looking for freelancers. There are always jobs available there.

Also, most of these platforms have policies and offer protection both for freelance workers and those doing the hiring. On freelance platforms, every project you take on is a mini contract, and both you and the client are required to adhere to its terms.

Ultimately, it doesn’t help anyone — buyers cannot find good quality of work and freelancers cannot earn enough money.

Some freelancing platforms, like Hiremotely, base their business model on admitting only top freelance software developers and connecting them with clients based on very specific requirements. Being a member of such an exclusive platform allows you to connect with serious clients and get paid for high-quality work. The admission process on these types of platforms can take several weeks and include several rounds of relevant tests.

Step 3: Build your profile.

You don’t have to prepare a classical resume as most freelancing websites have a predesigned template you need to fill out with your information, but you shouldn’t treat your freelancing profile as a check box exercise.

Take time to create a substantial profile that will inform potential clients about your education, skills, expertise and experience. You don’t have to write novels — keep it concise. List your skills, experiences, special achievements and explain why you’re the best person for the job.

Step 3: Build your profile.

You don’t have to prepare a classical resume as most freelancing websites have a predesigned template you need to fill out with your information, but you shouldn’t treat your freelancing profile as a check box exercise.

Take time to create a substantial profile that will inform potential clients about your education, skills, expertise and experience. You don’t have to write novels — keep it concise. List your skills, experiences, special achievements and explain why you’re the best person for the job.

Step 6: Find work.

First, apply only for the jobs you are confident you can do. There is no point in applying for a project you cannot complete on time with satisfactory results. As a freelancer, you’re building your reputation from scratch and, especially in the beginning, it’s of utmost importance to secure positive feedback.

When you apply for jobs, make sure you craft a relevant cover letter that explains why you’re the best choice for that particular job or project. Highlight the skills and experience that are relevant to requirements.

Over time, freelancing platforms reward top-rated freelancers with badges, lower fees and access to specially tailored job offers, so it’s in your best interest to keep your clients happy.

Some freelancers avoid online marketplaces because they come with the fees, usually between 5 percent and 20 percent of their earnings, which can add up by the end of the month. In that case, try to use various groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to find work. However, be aware that with these gigs, there is no contract in place and no guarantee that someone won’t take your work and never pay for it.

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i am a student