How To Be More Creative And Enhance Your Creativity

Before I get into how to be more creative, let me first mention some real obstacles that some people seem to face when they want to do so. Consider whether any of these obstacles are relevant to you and your life;

1.Time constraint.Contrary to popular belief, this is not as significant.It only takes a few seconds to link ideas and thoughts. It can occur at any time or place. if you are in a healthy state and concentrate on your own experience.

I believe that being receptive to oneself and making the most of the time you have are more important aspects of creativity. Despite the fact that this takes time,

2.fear of judgment. People frequently feared expressing their ideas during brainstorming sessions when I worked for a national newspaper. Imagination brings about uncommon thoughts and maybe in any event, being different here and there. They can be perceived as odd, strange, or difficult. Creativity is frequently killed by the fear of being deemed odd, stupid, or just different. I wouldn't bother getting out of bed in the morning if I worried that others might think any of those things about me;I love that people believe I am all of those things!

3.a lack of self-worthWhen you do something creative, you push yourself and maybe even other people beyond what has been safe and comfortable in the past. Being different in any way can feel risky or vulnerable when you are uncertain of who you are. You run the risk of giving up your fresh perspective in order to simply blend in.Break free of those chains!

4.The fear of failingWe are hindered by this. There can be no inherent "right" or "wrong" when making a new connection in your brain. In reality, failure can only mean one thing:first, that it did not function as you expected. Second, someone else wasn't happy with it.But why bother?!!I must inform you that I frequently receive inquiries regarding how I generate so many successful projects and receive numerous comments regarding this. I always say that these projects are only about 10% of what I imagined. The remaining ninety percent either didn't work or didn't come to me.

There is no such thing as genius-only creativity. Although Einstein was brilliant, he is not necessarily our best creative role model. To be creative, you don't need to be an expert.I anticipate that the results of your creativity will take many, many different forms.

If you ever have doubts about your creativity, remind yourself that you create a brand-new dream several times each night that you script, act in, and watch. These dreams involve all of your senses and can have effects that last a long time after they end. Most people don't even know this is a creation because it's so simple.

how to increase creativity.

Okay, so how does one actually increase their creativity? Let me offer some suggestions:

1.Find the ideal mental state.Investigate the mental states you associate with creativity. Find out exactly what it is that inspires and keeps you creative. Which time of day is best for you? Which setting is ideal? Do you need to be by yourself, with others, or with others? Do you require background sounds, silence, or sounds? Create a profile of your creative state, and then set aside time and space for it on a regular basis rather than expecting it to come to you by accident.

2.Encourage dreaming.Instead of ignoring daydreams and dreams, pay attention to your life experience and the creativity you already have. Don't let what you might already be learning go to waste by ignoring it.

3.Consider, "What if?"plus, "What else?"also, "How else?" Always think outside the box to uncover more and more novel concepts.

4.If you run into a problem, pretend that your usual remedy is unavailable. There are numerous ways this could work.What other options do you have in case your computer crashes today? What would happen if you wrote down your feelings instead of fighting in person? Some solutions might not be any different from what you're used to: You might get fantastic new opportunities from other people.Take a different route. In a previous article titled "Do Something Different, Go Check It Out," I discussed that concept.

5.Check to see how many different outcomes you can achieve using the same components. I'm sure many of you are aware that Rozanne Gold published a cookbook titled "Recipes 1-2-3" in which each recipe calls for only three ingredients.

The three ingredients in some recipes are the same, but different processes or quantities produce different results.

Imagine or think about how many other uses an everyday object could have, or even how it could be combined with other objects, can be a lot of fun.

6.Find new approaches to the routine. Change how you do things, use different methods, and play the less favorable hand; We shift from a state in which we are on autopilot to one in which we are alive and alert as soon as we interrupt our routine. You exercise unfamiliar brain connections and aid in the creation of new brain connections. A wonderful sensation!

7.Keep an eye out for the difference that really matters. Ask yourself what it is about something that strikes you as so unique, novel, or different when you come across it. Where exactly is the main difference?

The Disney Creativity Strategy is a strategy that I have used for a long time and that is frequently discussed in NLP circles.

Developing your dreams and giving them the best possible chance of becoming a reality are the goals of the Disney creativity strategy. It is named after Walt Disney, who frequently served in three capacities when working with his team to develop an idea;the critic, realist, and dreamer. This strategy was modelled and developed into an NLP tool by Robert Dilts, a pioneer in NLP.On my website, you can find some of Robert's articles that he kindly donated.

In order to maximize clarity and impact, the strategy separates these three crucial roles in the process of transforming creative concepts into reality.

There are specialists in each of the three areas at many businesses, and I have worked as a consultant for companies myself, asking different members of the team to take on one of the roles. You can also play all three roles with your own wants, needs, and goals, as I frequently do in coaching and business consulting.

However, the most common application is to assign three roles—realist, dreamer, and critic—to various individuals for the purpose of evaluating plans or tasks. Invoke the role of the dreamer and have someone explain to you all of the options available to you. If you're a realist, ask someone else to look at exactly what it would take to put it into practice, and if you're a critic, ask someone to really look at it and figure out what its strengths and weaknesses are. It's possible to rotate the roles. If you're doing it on your own, make sure the roles are clearly defined and written down. This is something I do with a lot of my own ideas and changes I want to make in my life.

You might in fact involve this in a gathering separated into three phases; Each role serves as its own stage. Get everyone to come up with ideas and be creative first;then get them to consider, in terms of practicality, what would actually need to happen; then get them to critically analyze the options.

To increase your creativity, I suggest that you have some fun being creative and trying new things. It feels awesome and assuming you have found that your advancement to progress or the results you want has been hindered or gone stale, then contemplate being more imaginative in how and what you are doing.

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