How to be compatible with your partner for a healthy relationship

Conflict is a natural part of relationships. There will be always difference of opinion for every matter and it need not to be different every time, it may be same for some.... so you need to be open up about your opinion with your partner....


Here are some strategies for effective conflict resolution:


  1. Stay Calm:   keep emotions in check and approach the discussion with a calm demeanor. Your calm behaviour will make your partner to talk to you more and open up about his /her feelings with you. You will be more approachable because of your calm behaviour.                                   
  2. Active Listening: Truly hear your partner's perspective without interrupting, showing that you value their viewpoint. And it takes lot of patience to be a good listener and practice it. You will not be able to achieve it with in a day or night. But practice makes man perfect !                                       
  3. Express Yourself Clearly: Clearly communicate your thoughts and feelings, using "I" statements to avoid blame. Hiding your true opinion leads yourself more in a complicated relationship. So do not stand in a spot where your partner don't know about your true self.
  4. Focus on the Issue: Stick to the specific problem at hand, rather than bringing up past grievances.
  5. Seek to Understand: Ask questions to gain a better understanding of your partner's feelings and concerns. Don't assume thing and come into conclusions with in a second of conversations, ask questions, talk more and be open!
  6. Take a Break if Needed: If emotions run high, it's okay to take a short break to cool off before returning to the conversation. Everything needs time to heal and clear mind makes you more and more better person. So don't take decisions when you are in a heat of conversations.
  7. Use "We" Language: Frame the discussion in terms of finding a solution together rather than placing blame.
  8. Find Common Ground: Identify areas where you both agree and build on those points to find a resolution.
  9. Apologize and Forgive: When necessary, offer a sincere apology, and be open to forgiving your partner. Apologizing will not make you small, but it clears both of your mind and makes you start a fresh.
  10. Learn from the Conflict: Use disagreements as opportunities for growth and understanding within the relationship. Don't make same mistakes again and again and don't make your partner to loose hope on you ! 


Remember, conflicts are a normal part of relationships, and how you handle them can strengthen the bond with your partner. The key is to approach disagreements with respect and a willingness to find solutions together.

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