How To Be A Great Speaker Without Using Powerpoint Authors M Rehan

RESEARCH YOUR AUDIENCE I am amazed that some speakers will show a sense of belonging and not really know anything about the audience. Many speakers become lazy and feel that their message is too important to be heard by anyone. They would not be so wrong. Your main message may be the same for everyone, but knowing your audience will allow you to invest in the audience to feel that it is tailored just for them. They will relate better to information and think more about you by creating something specific for them. Well, in most cases, you only put your details, but I won't tell you if you don't want to.


BEHAVIOR The only way to look polished while talking exercise. This is one skill you will not pass on to others. You are on stage with a microphone, and you are the one who will look great or awesome. Sadly, you have made a mistake and are proud of yourself when you think the PowerPoint slides you can create for yourself or someone else will make a powerful speaker. There are some techniques used to practice that do not take much time and make you look over-polished. One of these methods is called bits—practice writing a short piece over and over again. You do not use word for word, but just talk it through. This way, you will not close when an interruption occurs on stage.


Take care of HECKLERS Next is my well-known asterisk procedure; I use it to ensure the hecklers do not interfere with my presentation. I put people in the group to see who might be the problem before I got to the event. I call these people and interview them to give them the attention they want. Then I mentioned their names during the talk. This eliminates the opportunity they will give me hard because I recommend one of their ideas. This works very well but doesn't just name them, or the other audience who knows that these people are a problem may think you are bad. Mention the variety of people in the audience. Just make sure the bad ones are installed, which often keeps them from working.


USE EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE Old boring truths seldom motivate people to action. Learning to use words that stimulate emotion will have a profound effect on your speech. There are many emotions you can cause your audience to choose from happiness, anger, sadness, a few longings. Knowing your purpose in life helps you to choose the emotions you want to touch. Once your purpose is known, choosing words to get the answer you want can be much easier. For example, if you want to get someone back to a childhood experience, you could say, "Do you remember when someone did something wrong at school, and the teacher knocked on the door of his desk?" The word Phrase “beat the rod” could convey the emotional response that most adults would understand. A small group may not agree with this statement because corporal punishment has disappeared from schools. It would help if you chose words that will mean something to your audience.


EXPLAIN YOURSELF People often have a problem with this idea because they like to be alone and private. This will damage their chances of making good communication with the audience. Of course, you don't have to reveal your darkest secrets on stage, but you could certainly tell someone how much you love horses, or how you like to cook. . anything that will give them a real idea will give you a better chance to connect with them and make them listen to you.

USE PROGRAMS Prop worth a thousand words. People can concentrate on their minds when connected to something related to the point you are trying to make. You can use large, small, funny, or difficult resources. Always link the suggestion to the point you are trying to make and ensure the audience sees it. Sometimes you will want to hide the program so that people will not ask you until you are ready to launch it.


EXERCISE HUMILITY Even Shakespeare used humor during the tragedies he recorded. Humor is a powerful and effective tool that allows the audience to breathe under stress. And it makes you attractive and fun to listen to. Jokes are also more likely to make your details easier to remember. You don't have to be a good comedian to use jokes in speeches and presentations, and you don't even have to make jokes. There are many ways to add jokes that do not require any skill. You can show humorous views, tell stories, or read from books or magazines. As a nation, make a claim your jokes are related to the point you are trying to make, and you will be very successful. Each issue of "Great Speaking" has about 20 pieces to use during lectures.


GO ‘EM TO ACTION If you’re going to worry about taking the time to talk to people, don’t you think it would be a good idea to get them to do something good because of your presentation? Even if they do something wrong, it is still better than doing nothing because at least they will get a chance to learn something from their mistake. No matter what size your ego is, the fact is that you are there for them, not the other way around. It’s designed for you to build your reputation, but when you get into your speech, you think it’s all for you, it will be obvious, and you probably won’t do well as you would focus on the audience's needs more.


SUBMITTING SOLUTIONS One of the best ways to ensure that your listeners love you is to bring solutions to their problems. Once you've done a thorough job of researching your audience, you already know what their problems are. It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about. Nowadays, to think that this is what inspiring speech is all about. It's not good enough to get

all the people blew up where they bounced off the walls, not knowing what to do with this new joy and inspiration. Today's inspiring professional speakers bring solutions and an app to their advantage. Now that's motivating.


NOTE LOGISTICS Good preparation, practice, and audience research can be ruined if you forget to pay attention to all the details around the presentation. You want to know what happens before you speak and what happens after you speak: How do people live? Are they in circular tables halfway toward you, or are there no tables at all? What kind of microphone is appropriate? How big is the screen in the room? Will people be drinking alcohol? What is light like? All of these things and much more affect the overall performance of the presentation. The same words delivered in a very different order can be obtained in completely different ways. You can start from a fun test to a bomber because of the way people sit. It is up to you to know the difference and how it affects the presentation.

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m khan - Sep 7, 2021, 10:28 AM - Add Reply

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m khan - Sep 7, 2021, 10:29 AM - Add Reply

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m khan - Sep 7, 2021, 10:31 AM - Add Reply

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m khan - Sep 7, 2021, 10:33 AM - Add Reply

this article fully change my life

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Malik Rashi - Sep 7, 2021, 4:31 PM - Add Reply

Nice very very nice

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