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Online video publishing has taken the internet by storm in recent years, making the use of video for marketing, promotion, news, and PR online a real key strategic component and key business differentiator for internet marketers who want to effectively communicate their product profile. and benefits in the shortest possible time.

The Internet is full of information and the average attention span of today's web user is measured in seconds. When web users search for their information in a search engine, they get thousands of search results; when they visit your website, they can spend just a few seconds and little effort browsing what you sell or design, and decide if your content, style, look and feel are right for what they're looking for. Those first few seconds are critical, and if you can deliver a clear and targeted message by offering a quick, highly visual way to get their extra attention and interest, you've done bingo.

Does this mean that you just need to put a 10-minute video tutorial on your website or just slap some video content on your website and you will instantly sell more products or services? If this is your way of marketing with video on the web and you're hoping to get a high traffic-to-sales conversion rate, you're in for more disappointment than good news.

So that your video effectively sells your products/services online and conveys the key features and characteristics of your product/service in a very short time uniquely and memorably. Here are some basic rules to follow:

1. Get your video seen:

If you want your video to be your effective marketing tool, it needs to be seen by as many web users as possible. So don't just keep your video within the confines of your site. Keep your video content free and distribute it to the major video-sharing sites like YouTube and Google video so that not only can others watch and talk about it, but they can easily download it, redistribute it, if not outright publish it on their site.

2. Small file and fast loading:

Statistics show that the average time web users spend waiting for a page to load is about 7 seconds. Websites that take more than 7 seconds to load are usually on the verge of clicking and visiting another website. Therefore, you need to make sure that your video file is small enough, ideally less than 1 megabyte, and loads in near real-time to keep visitors interested. AVI is the most common video format, the file size can easily be 10 megabytes for a short 2-3 minute video; therefore, if you share your video in this format, visitors will most likely "click away" from you due to the long loading time of your video file. That's why you need to get a video converter to convert your video to a more internet-friendly format like SWF.

3. Let them know it's a video, a short video:

If website users don't know it's a video, they won't click and play it; so your video will watch. So you need to let web users know that the "box" is a video; the best way is to make it look like a video / VCR by having a play and stop button that site users can click to play the video and stop it whenever they want to stop it.

Also, let website users know this is a short video. No one wants to sit through a 30-minute presentation about your company's history; focus on your products/services and deliver your messages preferably within 2 minutes.

In total:

Effective video marketing on the web is not just about putting some video content on your website, but rather effective video communication through publishing and sharing videos on the web.

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