How to avoid frustration.

It is essential from the perspective of students and many people who are facing this problem.


Nowadays, students become much more frustrated, which leads to an increased rate of suicide and drugs, and alcoholism. 

■ Two things need to be done :

1) Need to understand.

2) Need to do.


So, what needs to understand? 

The reason for the frustration can be:-

* Fear of failure or not getting any improvement in your marks 

* Not getting enough time or focus in your study or you're other work. 

* Or maybe some other, that I don't know.


● If you fear failure, you need to accept that you can fail, and it's normal. Accept that even after your best efforts, you may not succeed/pass. One time passes or fails does not mean that you lost your whole life. If it doesn't happen in one time, then definitely give it one more time and hammer on it with your full force and efforts.

My dad says: One who gets success is also a human, and failing is also a human, so even if he can do it, I can do it.

So, remove the pressure from yourself of failure.

 Create a backup plan for the failure. But don't think about it all day. Just think of the best method you can think of and leave the thought of it. It will help you a lot. Then, stick to your goal.


● Time :

It is the most important thing which affects our lives. It would be best if you managed it anyhow. It is something that no one can teach you; you have to learn it on your own. I understand that there can be many situations in the family or life, but you have to take out time to study.


● Focus :

If you freed yourself from the fear of failure, then indeed you can focus on studies, as mostly it is the fear that disturbs your attention. If not then, find out the reason for the distraction and resolve it. Think about what is essential for you and make a priority of things. I know that you have nothing more prior than your success. 


■ What can be done?

Primarily, people are frustrated when no one understands them or is pissed off from themselves. So, let the past's memory fade away and talk openly about your situation with a friend or family member or write it down somewhere.


■ You can use regular breathing exercises and a few yogas that helps to control your energy so that you can use it beneficially.


■ Spend quality time with your friends, family members, or relatives. 


■ Talk about all these things to someone to whom you are very closely related. They can be your brother, sister, or even mother and father. No one cares about you as much as your parents care for you.


■ If you do all these things, then I am sure that you will overcome this problem. 


I hope this answer helps atleast a few persons who are reading my article. 

Thank you for reading 

Swaraj Sanjay  

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