How This Universe began....

This universe began about fourteen billion years ago, and if we talk about man, he was born after 99.9985% of the age of the universe. And when did technology come to us? Just a hundred years ago? But our question Where is god. Where is the soul? Where are the seven heavens? Which seven lands? Where is Kazakh? Why not see? How will the Hour come? What happens after death? Where are the creatures other than man? Where are the angels? How can we go to another world? I will start this thread with a few questions that have only come up before us in the last few years. In the second part of the thread, I will write about the places where the answers to these questions may be hidden. And in the third part, I will write, does our religion tell us anything about them? In 1961 there was an experiment called the double-slit experiment. In this experiment, electrons are passed through a barrier with only two holes. Now it should have happened that electrons would have appeared in only two places on the back wall, but they were appearing together in not two but ten different places, and they were also in the shape and size of these two holes, but it is impossible. Yes, but surprisingly, it was happening. Everything we see, feel, is called matter, you must have read solid, liquid, gas, and we have been reading these three states of matter for centuries. In the 19th century a fourth state of matter called plasma was discovered and in the 20th century a very mysterious object called antimatter was discovered. This is exactly the opposite of matter, infecting it, discovering it, and proving it is one of the most expensive human experiments, I will write more about it later in this thread, God willing, but for now I will just say that yes, finding proof of this was such an expensive experience that if I wrote the price, you would not believe me, so just search antimatter price for 1 gram on Google and then come back to my thread. It was necessary to mention this, because when this universe was created, matter and antimatter should have been created in equal amounts, but all the antimatter of our universe is missing. Absolutely missing, where did he go? In the western sky of our Pakistan, we see a cluster of stars called booties. Behind this is one of the most mysterious parts of space, called booties-void. Absolutely empty part, no star, no planet, no galaxy, nothing. But its size? I will just write that light reaches from one end to the other in 330 million years. Infect is such a large part that it is called super void. This is a distant thing, they come close to the earth. Seven and a half trillion miles beyond our neighboring planet Neptune suddenly becomes empty, no meteors, no broken stars, just empty space. And nothing. The name of this area is Kuiper Cliff. On October 20, 2003, a magnificent structure was discovered a billion years away from our Earth, as if billions of galaxies had joined together to form a huge wall. This wall was named Sloan great wall. Suppose light travels from one end to the other in 1.38 billion years, but it is impossible. Nothing in space could have been so large, but it did happen. ۔ In 2013, Europe's space satellite Planck discovered a part of the universe that was cooler than the rest of the world and contained tens of thousands of galaxies, the size of which it took 1.8 billion years for light to cross. And that part was like a torn, missing piece of cloth! And this will be very important later in the thread. There were also a lot of questions which are very surprising but just because of the length of the thread I am not including them, and I am starting the second part of my thread. Places where we might find the answer. And in that case, I'll just write three big discoveries to keep the thread short. The first discovery was made in 1884 by Lord Kelvin. The same discovery was made by John Oort in 1932, the same discovery was made by Fritz Ricky in 1933 that there are some planets whose weight is 400 times more than their own weight, but what is the weight of what? The object itself is not visible, so this invisible weight is called dark matter. The second discovery was made in 1998 when a huge star called a supernova exploded, but it made a strange discovery. The star's fire was spreading in space much faster than it should have, and it was the only evidence of a force affecting our universe on a grand scale. This force is 68% of our total universe, its nature is written unknown on Wikipedia, what does it look like? Unknown, what things are it affecting? Unknown and we can only know that it exists, but what is the purpose of such a great force? That's unknown Dark matter and dark energy together make up 85% of our universe, that is, 85% of what is going on around us. We don't know, and in the future, God willing, you will read the answer. The third discovery, a magazine called New Scientist, contains a very strange experiment. In 2006, a scientist named Peter Graham and his team were researching high-energy particles coming from space in the South Pole, Antarctica. For this purpose they used a machine system called ANITA. Now ANITA has discovered some particles, but the discovery was so impossible that this project had to run for another ten years. It so happened that ANITA discovered particles called neutrino, which are called ghosts of nature. Infect ants are so exclusive that it took only 30 years to prove their existence. They do not communicate with anything in the universe and leave our entire earth as if it were not there. Right now, six and a half trillion neutrinos are passing through our bodies every second, but no one is passing through our bodies. Not interacting, and thankfully not doing, otherwise your blood temperature will be 4000 degrees Celsius at the same time. Where are they born? Only in events like the stars and the Big Bang. But the neutrinos detected by ANITA were coming from our land which, once again ... Impossible and can only mean one thing. Have you read verse 27 of Surah As in the Qur'an? We did not create the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in vain. And it is amazing that this same report was published in October 2018 by a big name like Stephen Hawking in his book. The sudden disappearance of objects in space, the simultaneous appearance of electrons in ten places instead of two, dark energy, dark matter and these neutrinos coming from the earth, all combine to produce only one result. That a world other than ours, right next to us, is running parallel to us, hidden from our eyes. And this invisible universe is called the parallel universe. This concept is so old that it is mentioned somewhere in almost all religions and philosophies. 2300 years ago, the Greek philosopher Chryssipus also wrote that there is a world parallel to ours. In tenth-century Norse mythology I also find mention of one or more worlds, including a separate world, the Asgard, which literally means god enclosure, a world dedicated exclusively to God, and the concept of our paradise. Yes, in the same Norse Mythology I found mention of one of their paradises, which they call Valhalla. Why did I touch Norse Mythology? Because of this, I will write later. In similar Greek and Maya mythology I find references to other worlds which have no place to write in this thread. However, I am amazed at the clarity with which the concept of other worlds is found in our Islam. Rather, our Lord is called the "Lord of the worlds", the Lord of more than one world. To be continued........

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