How Should A Spouse's Sweetroom Be ? According to Astrology....

How Should A Spouse's Sweetroom Be ? According to Astrology....


According to Feng Shui, the southwest part of the house is considered to be active for the relationship between the two. So whatever you try to activate this part of the positive energy and neutralize the negative energy, it will prove very rewarding.


Let's Discuss in Details Here :


  • Never have your bedroom near a window. It increases stress and mutual disagreement in spouse relationships. However, if a bed is to be placed near the window, place a curtain between the bed and the window. That negative energy cannot affect relationships.


  • Avoid experimenting with something that shows dissection. The use of two different matrices that have beams on the ceiling also indicate separation.


  • Bedding ( mattresses, sheets, etc. ) should also be new for the couple. If that is not possible, try not to use bedding or bedsheets that has holes or breaks.


  • Do not let anyone else sleep on the bed.


  • Do not carry any luggage under the couple's bed. Allow space to be empty. This will allow positive energy to flow around you without any hindrance.


  • If you have your own bed with a wall facing the entrance, avoid it. It causes bitterness in relationships.


  • Do not place a bed adjacent to a wall where there is a bathroom or toilet. And do not even install a bathroom or toilet door. If this is the case, the door should always be closed. Negative energy has the opposite effect on relationships.


  • Do not place mirror infront of the bed where the mirror is visible from your bed. It can lead to a breakdown in relatioships, and you may also suffer from insomnia. If you can't do that, cover the mirror by a curtain.


  • Do not keep any electronic equipment, TV, Fridge, Computer, etc. in the bedroom. The harmful waves emanating from it affect the body. If you want to have a TV, cover it inside the cabinet. Keep the cabinet shutter closed or the screen off when the TV is off.


  • Colors also have a special effect on relationships. For the walls of the house use light pink, light blue, brownish gray or greyish yellow. This color is calming and loving.

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I am an Astrologer and also working at Amazon affiliate marketing post. Working from home as freelancer.