• Reason a flower has color is same reason a person may be born with brown or blonde hair possesses blue or green eyes dress in color full clothing or wear red lipstick. The colors of flowers such as red in rose es and yellow in marigold are found in pigment that are decided upon in heredity genome of the plant. Flowers color of blue. ,pink yellow and purple come mainly from the pigment called anthocyanins. Which are in the class of chemical  called flavanoid(which gives plant their  color. Other pigment are carotenoids found in tomatoes and carrots that provide yellow, red, and orange in the plastids. Chlorophyll is the most popular pigment providing all that green you see in leave and foliage. All these scientific terms really mean that similar to people, plant carry certain pigment in their genes that are decided before they are born what color they will be. Why flowers have color. ?flowers that are bright in color are meant to attract birds bees and other insects in order to help the plant reproduce. Bright colors or dull color are fixed in genetic of a flower. If a plant need to reproduce with the help of the birds and the bees. Genetic will made the flowers have bright colors to attract the animal (think putting on make up and doing hair to attract a mate. In addition if the pollination and reproduction are made this way the fruit of the plant will be pleasant tasting and sweet. If reproduction is done by way of wind and air the pigment of the plant will be inconspicuous and dull with bad testing fruit. One might ponder the question if you know what pigment and chemical create the color in flowers you can alter the pigment to create new color. ? The answer is yes but it may be hard for just anyone to do this.

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Born in 10 April 1992.