How Photographing Fish: 5 Tips For Frustrated Beginners

Photographing pets can often be a difficult proposal. Add water, glass light and low light to the aquarium area, and get a recipe for one of the most challenging photos. But it should not be so difficult. Armed with the following tips, you can get great pictures of your fish in almost any situation.

1: Get a tripod:

Tripods are often used for motionless studies. But they can be very helpful when photographing fish, even those that are always moving. Low light levels lead to blockage of the sliding lid. So anything you can do to stabilize the camera will be of great help. The best way to capture fish flying with your tripod is to release the levels on the tripod so that you can move the camera freely left, right, up and down, but the camera will remain stationary if left alone.

2: Inform your fish with the camera:

Now that you have a tripod (as you have faithfully followed the first tip), park it in front of your aquarium with a camera mounted on a tripod. Now leave it. As long as possible Zimbabwe, a few days will be fine. The purpose of this exercise is to make the fish accustomed to seeing the "object" that you are constantly moving, pointing and making noise. If they are comfortable with the camera view, they will be more comfortable and will not tend to dive deep near the tank or hide.

3: Use a digital camera:

Digital cameras allow us to "just take a picture" without worrying about wasting film and wasting money on shooting that would not be good. If you can focus on getting the best shot you can, no matter how hard you try, you are on the right track to get the shot you want.

4: Turn off the lights in the room:

Ambient light causes light in the glass of the tank, which may damage the excellent image of the fish. Remove all ambient light sources you can, and be very careful with any display as you shoot. If there is a reflection you can remove, try to place your body between the light source and the glass to protect the tank from light.

5: Clean the glass, cut off the pumps:

Closing the aquarium pumps before you shoot is a great way to clean your shots of particles and bubbles in a water column. And if you happen to have a well-drained water tank or reef aquarium, this will also prevent plants or corals from moving in your image, turning it into a turbulent mess. Cleaning the glass is probably the most neglected step in taking pictures of the aquarium, and there may be a responsibility for the photos to be worse than any other problem. Remember, just because you can't see it now, doesn't mean you can't see it in the picture. It is amazing how that happened. So clean the glass thoroughly, all the time, before taking the camera.

6: Bonus! Enjoy it:

Aquarium photography can be a fun and challenging hobby in itself. Have fun, experiment freely, and be sure to share your photos online!

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