How Hypnotize Yourself For Anaesthesia Your 10 Step Guide To Create Your Own Anaesthesia Today?

Recently here in the UK, there was a great TV treat called "Hypno-Surgery" and it showed a man undergoing hypnosurgery. This means he had hernia surgery without any anesthesia other than hypnosis.

Of course, it's sensational because it's on TV, but they've been done for years. There are many filmed studies and a wealth of research that has been done using only hypnosis in performing surgery.

Many methods have been used to relieve pain over the years, and I have experienced many myself, and I have found that hypnosis, accompanied by a variety of skills and tools of the mind, is by far the best way to overcome and change your response to it.

Remember the time you had a paper cut and didn't realize you had it until later in the day when you saw it with your own eyes? It wasn't until you saw it that it hurt and you thought "oooh that's kind of clever". This is naturally occurring anesthesia, an ability that exists within each of us.

One of the most basic methods of using your mind to create anesthesia is called the glove method of anesthesia, and today I want to share it with you so you can use it however and whenever you want.

The important point here: You must use this pain control technique only when you know the cause of any pain. If the condition persists, consult a doctor as well. Otherwise, use this technique for fun and to remind yourself of how amazing you and your brain are.

First step: Find a comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes. Calm down. Focus on your breath, let it be steady, deep, and slow. Imagine relaxing all the muscles in your body one by one and it takes the time it takes to establish a nice relaxed physical state.

Use your imagination and imagine a favorite place where you feel safe and relaxed. Imagine being able to hear the sounds of that place, see the sights, and feel the sensations you would feel in that place. Use the awareness of your conscious mind to focus on each of the muscles in your body and think the word "soften" into each of your muscles. Imagine them melting, softening, and allowing your mind to be still.

Spend a few minutes on it; indulge yourself.

Step Two: Create a strong sense of purpose right now. Using your inner dialogue, remind and tell yourself that you have the power and ability to control any feelings in your body and mind. Because it is. Tell yourself that you accept that you are in control of your mind. Focus and imagine the unlimited power of your mind, tell yourself that you can send numbing sensations to any part of your body. Develop a sense of belief in yourself and the power of your mind. Encourage and strengthen yourselves.

Imagine these words of personal power and faith that you say to yourself being carried into the deepest recesses of your mind. Imagine them being received on all levels of your body and mind.

At this stage, also tell yourself that the word "anesthesia" is your key trigger word for the conditioned response later.

Step Three: We will now begin to induce anesthesia in the gloves. Start by focusing on your dominant hand, really focus on it to the exclusion of everything else. Notice the smallest sensations in it. Begin to imagine that using your attention, your dominant hand is devoid of any feelings. This takes some time and focus.

Perhaps you can use your imagination and imagine that your hand is encased in ice. Imagine those feelings.

Separate your hand in your mind from the rest of your physical body. Think of it as a detachment from your physical being. Continue to focus your attention on your hand and let it lose all feeling.

Using your inner dialogue, tell yourself that your hand is becoming numb. No feeling at all. Inside your mind, instruct your hand to go to sleep. Tell him to go to sleep. Be aware of any unusual sensations in your hand as you focus on it, and keep all your attention and concentration on them.

Tell yourself that every breath you take causes your hand to become a number and a number until you can't feel your hand at all. You simply cannot feel your hand at all because it is numb. No feeling. Numb. Say it with authority and faith.

Step 5: You will now transfer this lack of sensation to the part of your body that you wish to numb and anesthetize. So when you are sure that you have created the right level of numbness in your hand, raise your hand and place it on the part of your body that you want to feel numb.

When you do this, you transfer that numbness to that part of your body. Then go ahead, raise your hand and touch the part of your body that you want to cool and numb. Maybe think of the numbness as a color that you spread to that area. Maybe imagine that part of your body being filled with that color and creating that numbness. Imagine that all the feelings of numbness are transferred to this part of your body. Release the numbness into the other part of your body.

Then now take a moment to do it properly and thoroughly. When you do this, give yourself a time limit for how long it will last. Naturally, you don't want this part of you to be numb forever. So make sure you set a time limit for when your self-induced anesthesia will end.

Step Six: Now that you've transferred the soothing, soothing, numbing cold, you're physically feeling better and better in that area. Enjoy the feelings and marvel at your wonderful self. Imagine that the space is permeated with cold. Imagine experiencing amazing relief in this area. Take a deep breath and relax completely.

Maybe repeat a little self-supporting mantra at this point: “A calm, cool, soothing, numbing feeling pervades this area. Better and better. Insensitivity. Relief. Numbness.” Use the words that resonate most with you.

Step Seven: When you maintain the condition and are sure that you feel really good. Say the word "anesthesia" to yourself so that every time you use that word in the future, when you have the right intention and conditions to do it again, saying that word will bring the resources of that session to make it even better next time. . Take a deep breath, accept the sensations in your body and mind, and repeat the word to yourself. Trust that every time you choose to use it in the future, it will have an amazing effect on strengthening and strengthening your control over your anesthesia.

Step Eight: It's time to focus on the incredible power of your imagination by imagining that you'll do it even better next time. Imagine having more and more control over your mind each time you do this. Experience the joy of this realization. Create every detail of this future event in your mind, including your reaction and the reactions of others.

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