Using state of the art technology in healthcare has also helped revolutionise the surgery for patients receiving many different types of treatment. Laser vision correction has been around for over forty years and treatment has changed a lot since then. Where near-sightedness, astigmatism, and farsighted-ness were once believed to be untreatable, now they are treatable thanks to advanced technology.


Thanks to top technology, technicians are able to perform revolutionary procedures

Wearable Technology

Wearable gadgets such as smartwatches have become commonplace in recent times. This is why some individuals may take their advantages for granted. While able to perform everyday tasks such as monitoring heart rates and sleeping habits, these devices may offer even more healthcare-related benefits. A growing number are now being directly connected to care providers. In the event of a sudden illness or injury (such as if an elderly individual happens to fall while at home), emergency services will be notified. This offers potentially life-saving applications.


Where might we be heading?

Many experts will argue that we are likely to witness a rise in the number of healthcare applications which can be downloaded with the click of a button. While there may be a concern in terms of incorrect self-diagnosis, the benefits seem to far outweigh the risks. Digital technology should also be able to analyse big data in order to appreciate healthcare trends and the use of smart algorithms may even be able to predict future pandemics.


These are only a handful of observations which experts have noted. As digital technology continues to evolve, there is no doubt that even more impressive leaps forward are not far off.Studies indicate that the number of women entering STEM-related fields is on par with men, but at managerial positions and higher, this gender representation becomes more disparate. Today, women make up 34% of the IT workforce in India, with a 50:50 gender parity rate in STEM graduates according to 451 Research.


However, while women make up 51% of entry-level recruits, only 25% are in managerial positions, with less than 1% in the C-Suite. This lack of women representation at higher levels makes the tech industry seem male dominated, resulting in less women pursuing a career in the industry.


In recent years, however, companies are consciously hiring women talent and are focusing on building an inclusive work environment to improve women’s representation in senior roles. It is necessary to implement initiatives at all levels of the organisation, from leadership to human resources. Business leaders can initiate mentoring programs and assist in preparing women for board roles.


For example, my colleague, Puneet Chandok, President, India and South Asia, AWS, encouraged the entire AWS team to take personal pledges to support diversity, inclusion, and equality. His personal pledge was to recruit at least three women into his leadership team, mentor eight to ten women, be more aware of the challenges they face, and actively support their choices.


What roles hadTwo great benefits of having more women in tech industry are innovation and learning. Having teams made up from different walks of life showcasing different experiences and perspectives results in an intersection of varied ideas and solutions.


Similarly, the tech industry is in need of more women talent to foster higher problem-solving abilities and increase performance at the business level as there is potential in building and curating high tech products and services catered to women. Lastly, more women role models are needed to encourage the next generation of the workforce through guidance and mentorshi


At AWS, we've been successful in hiring women for all positions, including management, and I am excited to work with incredible women who are innovators and builders, contribute to the growth of the organisation and deliver exciting results for our customer


One such leader is Mani Thiru, Aerospace and Satellite Solutions Lead, APJ. Overcoming stereotypes every single day, Mani works with a global team of interdisciplinary experts to re-imagine space system architectures, transform space enterprises, and launch new services that process space data on earth and in orbit. Her efforts have resulted in outcomes that range from space-enabled agriculture and emergency and disaster management to impact on education and earth observation research.s.p.

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