How Freedom of mind

Freedom of Mind

(Mind Upload) In an infinite universe, we are constrained by physical laws. Additionally, a body made of flesh and blood houses our consciousness.

In this fast-paced era of technology and innovation, will it be possible to free him from this prison? Many people see this utopia as the next great destination. Mind uploading involves moving the mind into the digital world from the body.

Is it possible, and if so, what does that imply?

It's difficult to put into words what the mind is precise. It is held that our intelligence and consciousness collaborate to make it possible for us to have dreams, awareness, and imagination.

The mind-uploading hypothesis proposes simulating consciousness by transferring our inner world to a computer. However, there are some fundamental flaws in this idea.

For this to be a possibility, three assumptions must be accurate.

The initial hypothesis is physicalism. He maintains that the mind is made up of the structure and biochemistry of the brain.

The second one is the scanability hypothesis. He asserts that we will one day have a complete comprehension of the brain and be able to develop digital brain-replicating technology.

The third one is the computability hypothesis. Software for computers will be able to house the mind as a result. That is to say, a computer can simulate consciousness as well as everything else in the brain.

These three hypotheses are not universally accepted as valid. They are the subject of intense and frequent heated debate among scientists and philosophers. Because many fundamental questions remain unanswered, discussions of these topics are always likely to offend someone. For the time being, let's continue with all three as true until the end of this article.

The brain is a biological structure that is incredibly intricate. Every second, thousands of signals are sent by one trillion neurons with one billion connections.1,000,000,000,000,000 events per second is that much.

Second, it goes beyond neurons. Other supporting cells number in the billions. The brain is broken up into various parts at the macro level, each of which performs a specific function. Numerous reflexes are also controlled, in addition to breathing and heart rate.

The neocortex, the brain's outermost layer, is the area that has developed the most. The focal point of planning, contemplation, hope, and desired function is located here. Where is your internal "you"?Unknown. We are aware that consciousness is significantly influenced by regions like the precuneus cortex. However, many areas are interconnected and can perform tasks that cannot be accomplished independently.


The brain's components are also complex. Neurons are not simply wires. Additionally, it transforms and processes information. The transmission of signals from one neuron to the next occurs at their junctions or synapses. Here, there are hundreds of chemical signal receptors. External influences are once more a possibility.

We are very familiar with their small-scale behavior and fundamentally understand how everything works. However, the brain is made up of more than just neural signals.

Hormones are important. Serotonin, for instance, influences our mood. Histamine, on the other hand, aids in learning.

The brain is also affected by other organs. This includes everything from heart nerves to gut bacteria.

At first, this system seems complicated, but as you learn more about it, you realize that it's more complex than you thought.

How can a computer handle this intricate interaction between chemicals, cells, and flesh? To accomplish this, we require a model that can be replicated digitally. There will be a scan here.

Sadly, our scanning technology, such as fMRI, is insufficient to support such an endeavor. However, a different strategy is available.

A high-resolution electron microscope is used to scan the brain after cutting it into thin slices. It makes it possible to precisely map connections and cells.


A cubic millimeter of a rat's brain was successfully scanned by scientists in 2019. (This is the size of a large sand grain)One hundred thousand neurons were present. A nerve fiber that was four kilometers long and contained one billion synapses.

Twenty-five thousand pieces were cut out of this one cubic millimeter brain. For five months, five electron microscopes have been continuously extracting data from it. Ten million images were included. They were put together and a 3D model was made in three months.2 million gigabytes of space were taken up by this comprehensive data set.

This task must be carried out a million times to scan the human brain. It sounds simple to say, but it's not.

The fact that we need to add smaller building blocks to the simulation makes things more difficult. They have a lot of individual molecules and billions of proteins that affect how cells behave.

It could necessitate more digital storage than is currently available in any given data center worldwide.

While these issues are annoying, there is still a significant issue. How can each of these static maps be transformed into a dynamic object?

We now require the rules and principles that drive this wiring diagram if all of the scans are located at the level of the signal piece. Chemical bonding and electrodynamics laws are included. The simulation can begin with their support.

The mind is not a fixed thing. From one microsecond to the next, it is shifting. All of the vision's thinking and doing is the result of how it has changed over time.

Additionally, we do not know whether or not this is practicable in principle. Additionally, our technology may or may not produce original thoughts.


It is related to the nature of the issue. Are the mind and the mind merely two additional factors? In that case, there is a lot that can be done to fix it.

But are we unable to resolve a different layer of complexity here? Is there a greater whole than the sum of its parts? (This is a prevalent issue) in a way that we are unaware of at this time?

Better scanning won't do much to help us understand how it works in that case. And will only be able to identify the components.

We have a good place to start at this point. To achieve mind uploading, many unknowns and untapped innovations are required.

Our inability to accurately predict future growth rates is demonstrated by history.

The ideal scenario might be one in which it only requires extensive work and fine-tuning. Additionally, we are not required to replicate every molecule and cell. This issue can be reduced to its most basic form. It is possible to build probability models. And a relatively straightforward system can be used to simulate brain behavior.

Therefore, even though we do not yet know whether or not mind uploading will be possible, research in this area of science could be very interesting. Additionally, this research has the potential to teach us a great deal about ourselves and lead to numerous technological advancements.

And if it becomes feasible, the outcomes may be significant and amazing. It has the potential to alter our planetary future.

Functional immortality would be achieved by successfully uploading the mind. Until it is deleted, this copy will remain. Additionally, if it has a flaw, the mind will also have a flaw. It could be insanity, inexplicable agony, or incessant nervous breakdowns.

The next question is, will you upload this mind? This question has its own set of challenging issues. Although it's unlikely, let's assume for the time being that this digital mind at least appears to be you.

Well, that's fine. Your new life will begin with the mind replica. Additionally, it can strike at any point in your life. Both can be had simultaneously.

What does it feel like when you open the digital eye for the first time?  Having a biological body is a good thing and we are used to it.  Food, love, pain, exhaustion.  They are part of our life.  Such concepts without a biological body?  They don't have to be in the digital world.

But if love is turned on or off at the push of a button, then it loses its meaning.

You may seek new and unusual experiences.  Fast Forward to Boring Time.  Want to walk on the surface of the sun?  Simulate the world of the past and spend time with dinosaurs.


Your perceptions and preferences will change over time.  And these minds will also be able to make changes about themselves.  Eliminate a memory that is bothering you.  Customize your personality.  Choosing to let go of resentment, laziness, or addiction will be done at the push of a button.


Without the confines of biology, your abilities will grow as technology advances.


And during all this, your preferences may have changed so much from your current personality that you may not have any interest in them.


You will be able to work on S-projects that require more than one person's lifetime.  Scientists will be able to make discoveries.  Adventurers will upload themselves into spaceships, pause themselves, and travel thousands of years.


And not every digital mind will work for the betterment of humanity.  There will also be cycles of strife, crime, and gaining power and influence.  There will also be unlimited time to build big empires and become powerful.


Many people will work to accumulate wealth and equipment for themselves.  And they will compete with other minds like themselves.



And the longer digital minds live, the less empathy and connection they may have with ordinary human beings.


Even the worst people in history will be able to have eternal life in this way and death will not be able to get rid of them.


Or maybe not.  Our minds are not made for immortality by themselves.  Digital minds will become stagnant and bored and at some point decide to retire from it all.  They have experienced everything.  Hundreds of thousands of years of leisure?  It probably won't look attractive at all.


Maybe even then we'll choose to wait to be deleted.

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