How: Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Tooth Removal in Chennai

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early 20s. While some people have perfectly aligned wisdom teeth that emerge without any problems, most people have to get their wisdom teeth removed. This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about wisdom tooth removal in Chennai.


When Do Wisdom Teeth Come In?

Wisdom teeth typically start to erupt through your gums anytime between your late teens and mid-20s. Most people have at least some wisdom teeth emerging by age 21. But some people don't get their wisdom teeth at all.


Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

There are a few key reasons dentists recommend removing your wisdom teeth:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth. When there isn’t enough room in your mouth for your wisdom teeth, they can become stuck in your jawbone or only partially emerge. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, damage other teeth, and lead to infections.
  • Pericoronitis. This is when the gum tissue around only partially erupted teeth becomes infected and swollen. It’s quite painful.
  • Tooth crowding or changes to your bite. Often, wisdom teeth emerge out of alignment and can crowd or push against other teeth. This can alter your bite over time if the wisdom teeth aren’t extracted.
  • Cyst or tumour formation. Non-erupted wisdom teeth can sometimes develop a fluid-filled sac called a cyst. Rarely, abnormal cell growth leads to tumours as well.
  • Decay in nearby teeth. Partially visible wisdom teeth are hard to clean and maintain. Food particles and bacteria can get trapped around them and cause decay in the wisdom tooth or surrounding teeth.


Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedures

Simple Extraction

A general dentist may do a simple wisdom tooth extraction if the tooth has already broken through your gums and there are no complications. It can be performed with just local anaesthetic shots to numb the area.

Surgical Extraction

However, most wisdom teeth are removed in a surgical extraction performed by an oral surgeon. They will give you general IV anaesthesia to keep you fully asleep and pain-free during the procedure. Surgical extractions involve making an incision in your gums and removing any bone blocking the tooth if it hasn’t fully emerged yet.


Benefits of Wisdom Tooth Removal

Getting your problematic wisdom teeth pulled can prevent many future oral health issues down the road. Here are some of the key benefits of wisdom tooth removal in Chennai:

Prevents Impaction-Related Damage

Impacted or partially emerged wisdom teeth can slowly shift your other teeth out of place over time. The pressure on surrounding teeth can also destroy bone tissue and supporting structures. Extracting wisdom teeth early prevents them from impairing your smile.

Avoids Infection Risk

Partially visible wisdom teeth are breeding grounds for bacteria, especially when food particles get trapped in the gums around them. This bacteria significantly raises your risk of pericoronitis (gum infection), cysts and abscesses. Removing wisdom teeth eliminates this infection risk.

Protects Healthy Teeth

Misaligned wisdom teeth make it difficult to brush and floss behind them properly. The bacteria buildup can eventually penetrate deeper layers of teeth and infect nerves. Extracting wisdom teeth while they are small prevents decay in your neighbouring healthy teeth.

Allows Jawbone to Heal Properly

Non-erupted or impacted wisdom teeth can damage jawbone tissues over time. Removing them relieves pressure on the bone and allows your jaws to properly heal and regenerate lost mineral density from teeth pushing on them for years. This helps prevent issues like TMJ pain.

Removing problematic wisdom teeth can prevent so many future complications - from tooth decay and bone loss to infections and bite changes. Talk to your dentist about extraction if they recommend it.


Aftercare Tips for Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery

While wisdom tooth extraction recovery tends to be faster than most other oral surgeries, you’ll still have discomfort and more involved aftercare instructions, including:

  • Medications: Your dentist will prescribe pain medications to keep you comfortable during recovery. Be sure to take them as directed. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to prevent infection.
  • Bleeding: Gently bite down on the gauze pads placed on the extraction sites immediately after surgery. Replace with fresh gauze as needed. Some minor bleeding for the first day is normal.
  • Oral hygiene: 24 hours after surgery, rinse gently with saltwater to keep the area clean. Brush and floss normally, but avoid the surgery site.
  • Swelling: Use an ice pack wrapped in a towel and apply to the outside of your cheek near the extraction site for 10 minutes at a time to reduce swelling.
  • Diet: Stick to soft foods like yoghurt, applesauce, broths and smoothies. Avoid very hot, crunchy or chewy foods that could irritate the sites.
  • Activity: Limit activity for the first 24 hours and avoid strenuous exercise for at least 1 week. Don't spit or use a straw, as this can dislodge the blood clot.


Call your oral surgeon if you experience severe pain, bleeding you can't control, high fever, nausea/vomiting or other concerning symptoms. You should recover fully in about 1-2 weeks with proper aftercare.


Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Chennai

The wisdom teeth removal cost in Chennai can vary greatly depending on whether you need surgical versus simple extraction. On average, though, you can expect to pay:


  • Simple wisdom tooth extraction: Rs.2,000 - Rs.3,500 per tooth
  • Surgical wisdom tooth extraction: Rs.3,500 - Rs.5,500 per tooth
  • Impacted wisdom tooth removal: Rs.4,000 - Rs.7,000 per tooth


Keep in mind that more complex extractions that require cutting into bone tissue, tooth sectioning or removing unusually rooted teeth can be on the higher end of these ranges or more. Your oral surgeon may want an OPG x-ray done beforehand to fully determine the position of your teeth, which costs about Rs.300-500. Talk to your dentist to get an accurate quote tailored to your specific extraction needs. Most clinics offer payment plans if needed as well.



Wisdom tooth extraction is very common. If your dentist recommends removing your wisdom teeth, it’s best not to delay. Follow your surgeon’s aftercare guidelines closely to make sure you heal quickly and properly. With modern IV sedation techniques, wisdom tooth removal should be quick and painless.

So, if you are thinking of the best wisdom tooth removal, visit Radiant Dental Care. They have a highly qualified team of dentists who can give you the required treatment. Book an appointment today to know more. 

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