how do you describe a child's health?

Practice cleanliness

          Both cleanliness and hygiene ensure health. Instruct the children from early childhood to observe regularly, from taking a morning bath to taking a clean bath. Teach him from childhood not to hold back urine and stool. Get up in the morning and after brushing your teeth, make him drink a glass of water. Then the habit of naturally expelling waste will continue. This habit of childhood continues even when they grow up and become adults. Excretion of body wastes keeps bowel movements smooth.                                                  Exercise                                                                                                                                                                         Children's outdoor play times have changed a lot. Nowadays, even in schools, children run and play is decreasing. Get used to playing with children in the neighborhood without getting used to the TV, computer, or cell phone at home at any time.Try cycling, swimming, skipping, walking and practice each one according to their age. Make them do small jobs. Also advise walking when going up floors rather than using the lift. Make children sit on the floor while feeding. Habits like sitting up, bending down and walking always keep their body free from lethargy. Physical activity means physical health.                                                           Vaccination                                                                                                                                                                    From birth to 15 years of age there are different vaccinations. Consult your family doctor and get all the vaccinations at the right intervals. There are separate vaccines for boys and girls. Put it on time with doctor's advice. Make it a habit to give children insecticide every 6 months. Indigestion, allergies, loss of appetite, lethargy and other problems are always absent. Children will come to the ring excitedly. Don't skip vaccinations, according to Capone, before arriving.

Medical examination

                    Children do not need to go to the doctor just because they have a fever. You should visit an eye, ear, and throat doctor once in 6 months and get an examination done. It is also advisable to check the level of hemoglobin in the blood with the doctor's advice. The number of children who wander around with cell phones in their hands has increased, which puts a lot of strain on their eyes. These cause dullness not only in the brain but also in the eyesight of the children.Today we see at least 5 out of 10 children wearing glasses. Similarly, in the throat too much cold water, ice cubes etc. irritate the throat. It is better to get tested with medical advice if you see a deficiency in the development of the organs or a sign of health deficiency.

Nutritious food

                               Make it a habit to drink enough water every day during the growing season. Having a balanced diet in the diet will support their growth and health, vegetables, greens, fruits, meat eaters, eggs, fish, seafood, dry nuts, grains should be planned and used to eat everything. Don't forget to include all the food items that are available in their respective seasons. Nutrients that help the body recover from fatigue and keep it healthy. Nutritionists emphasize that a nutritious diet is essential because food is the most important factor in keeping the body healthy.

Definitely don't try to tie babies in one place. These increase the body weight of children. Junk food that is pleasing to the eye and taste is increasing. Junk food, oily food, bagged food, fast food and maida are all junk food given to children to keep them away. Realize that artificial soft drinks are also included in this and avoid all these. Children who are brought up happily in your embrace with healthy habits and proper nutrition in a healthy environment will always live healthy in both body and mind without a second of illness. Today is World Health Day. Ensure your children's health from today. Let future generation flourish without disease moment.






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i am housewife..i am also degree holder.i share my way of articles...

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