How do Vitamins treat Asthma disease?

Vitamins And Asthma


More than 10 million Americans across the United States suffer from asthma. Asthma is very common, and doctors consider it a new epidemic. Most Americans suffering from asthma blame it for environmental pollution, as well as the increased exposure to toxic chemicals in the air. Deaths from asthma are increasing because those who have them do not see the first warning signs.


Asthma is a condition that causes the airways in the lungs to swell, produce thick mucus, and eventually spasm. The resulting inflammation will make the airways narrower, making it harder to breathe. The first asthma attacks you may experience include constipation, pain, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, dry mouth, cough, and fever.


Contrary to what you may think, almost anything can cause asthma. Its most common causes include allergies, upper respiratory tract infections, depression, excessive exercise, or even a lack of proper nutrition. Of all the causes, allergies are the most common.


In many cases, asthma attacks are the result of exposure to substances such as smoke, pollen, gas odors, and even car exhaust. Food can also cause allergies, such as peanuts, corn, chocolate, and almost all dairy products. If you take any kind of antibiotics, tranquilizers, or hormones, it may cause asthma. Asthma is a very serious and annoying condition, that millions of us face every day.


There are a few minerals, vvitamins, and herbal supplements that you can take to treat asthma. Of all the things you can take, vitamin B is among the most important. Vitamin B maintains the biochemical balance in the body and can also reduce the severity of attacks. When you take vitamins A and E together, they can work to protect your lungs from air pollution. You can also take high doses of vitamin C as well, as it is very effective in fighting asthma.


Gingko Biloba is also effective, as it will improve your breathing and aid in your bronchial response. Oder-less garlic is an excellent alternative, as it contains an anti-inflammatory agent that will reduce your chances of attack. In the world of vitamins and nutrients, there are many different things you can take to fight asthma.


Whenever you suspect that you have asthma, you should not hesitate to go to your doctor and get tested as soon as possible. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you have it, and how serious it can be. In the meantime, you should avoid known causes and make sure you eat a high-protein diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. You should also eat a few meals a day, instead of sticking to three common foods - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


All in all, asthma can be very stressful. There are ways you can fight back and help eradicate asthma, which is always good news. If your doctor tells you that you have asthma, you should ask him any questions that come to mind, as well as his advice on what to do and what not to do. Although it may not seem like it at the time, asthma can be prevented, and it should not always prevent you from doing the things you love to do. Although it may slow you down - you can always stop it.

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