How do I fix QuickBooks Error 1904 in easy steps


QuickBooks, which has been on the market for around three decades, is renowned for its user-friendly accounting and finance features that aid millions of enterprises worldwide. However, QuickBooks users may occasionally encounter errors and flaws that disrupt the workflow. In this post, we will go through a detailed discussion on ‘QuickBooks Error 1904’ that you may encounter when installing QB Desktop, as well as its resolution. The message "Error 1904: [file path/name/extension] failed to register" may appear on your screen if you encounter QuickBooks Error 1904.

Your accounting data and company files are secure in this error, so there is no need for concern. If you are unable to rectify the error on your own, you can call our support team at +18557380359

What is the Root Cause of QuickBooks Error 1904?

Error 1904 in QuickBooks could have one or more of the causes listed below.


  1. Windows or QuickBooks installation may not be up-to-date, or you may have an older version.

  2. There may be some Windows components that are deleted or corrupted.

  3. There may be issues with read-write permissions on the hard drive.

What Steps Must be Taken to Resolve QuickBooks Error 1904?

To resolve QuickBooks Error 1904, we will examine one of the finest available solutions:

Step 1: Download QuickBooks Tool Hub and execute the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic tool

  1. Download and install the QuickBooks Tool Hub as the first step in this troubleshooting procedure.

  2. QuickBooks Tool Hub helps in detecting and automatically correcting common errors encountered by QuickBooks. For optimal performance, we recommend using the QuickBooks Tool Hub on Windows 10 64-bit.

           The steps to download and install the QuickBooks Tool Hub are as follows:


  1. Close the QuickBooks program on your computer.

  2. The most recent version ( of QuickBooks Tool Hub should be downloaded. Place the file in an easily accessible location on your computer, such as the Windows desktop or Downloads folder.

Note: If QuickBooks Tool Hub is already installed on your computer, you can verify the installed version. To know the version, select the Home tab; the version of your QuickBooks Tool Hub will be displayed on the bottom right, or you can select About to view the version.


  1. Open the file you just downloaded (QuickBooksToolHub.exe) by clicking on it.

  2. To install it, you must comply with the on-screen instructions and accept the terms and conditions.

  3. Double-click the icon on your Windows desktop to launch the QuickBooks Tool Hub once the installation is complete. 

                                            Know more: How to fix Restore QuickBooks Backup error 

Step 2: Launch the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool from the QuickBooks Tool Hub

The primary purpose of the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool is to automatically diagnose and resolve issues   with Microsoft components utilized by QuickBooks.

  1. Select Installation Issues following the launch of the QuickBooks Tool Hub.

  2. Select the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic tool and allow it to perform its operations.

  3. After the repair procedure is complete, restart your computer and launch QuickBooks.


 If you can now open and use QuickBooks, the QuickBooks Error 1904 has been resolved.

                     Read more : How to resolve QuickBooks Error 15271




 We hope that after reading this post, you'll be able to resolve QuickBooks Error 1904, as we've outlined the steps you need to take in a straightforward manner. If you are still experiencing errors and problems while operating QuickBooks, contact us at our +18557380359 for quick help.

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