How dementia is caused? Top 10 causes of Dementia and its treatment.

 Top 10 causes for Dementia.

Assume you are in a class or somewhere else, you are listening to all the conversations, but within a few seconds, you forget all those things that you have heard. This happens with all of us sometimes.

But if this thing happens continuously and daily in your life, then be careful. You may be suffering from a neurodegenerative disease. This disease is known as Dementia.

The very first thing that is to be kept in your mind is that it results in cognitive dysfunctions. Cognitive function refers to impaired activities of the brain.

Just like Alzheimer's disease, this disease is also progressive. Consciousness is not affected. The only thing that is affected is memory. A person suffering from dementia is not able to recall the recent activities.

Not only the memory but the thinking abilities of the person also gets impaired. The person suffering from dementia is not able to think and answer properly.

They are not able to make a judgment, and they can't interpret.

Now, without wasting our time, let's move on to the causes of Dementia.

 1. Alzheimer's disease.

Yes, one of the main causes of dementia can be Alzheimer's disease. It is caused due to formation of senile plaques. These plaques further cause tangles in the parts of the brain. These tangles cause inflammation in the arts of the brain.

This inflammation causes headaches and also destroys the neurons. Especially Cholinergic nerve is affected. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine also gets destroyed due to this inflammation.

Although dementia and Alzheimer's disease have some same symptoms.

 2. Vascular causes.

Another reason for dementia can be due to vascular causes. The tissues of the brain are not able to get a sufficient blood supply. The cells are not able to function properly because of insufficient blood supply to them.

 3. Hypertension.

Hypertension is a condition in which our hypothalamus releases a corticotrophin-releasing hormone. This hormone, in turn, increases the level of cortisol. This increased level of cortisol decreases the level of dopamine and another neurotransmitter. 

 4. Arteriosclerosis.

From the name, it is clear that the disease is related to the blood vessels. In this condition, the brain doesn't get a sufficient blood supply, and again it starts the generation of neurons.

 5. Alcohol.

Drinking alcohol daily in an abnormal amount not only leads to the damage of organs, but also has a significant impact on your central nervous system.

Your brain loses the capacity to produce neurotransmitters. Due to this, a person is not able to make proper judgments and loses his memory day by day.

 6. Drugs.

Nowadays, drugs use has increased. Many drugs release some neurotransmitters, and some are used as immunosuppressants. These inhibit the functions of neurotransmitters, and slowly they got degenerated.

 7. Huntington's disease.

This disease is also known as "Chorea". It is a genetic disorder that is caused due to a defect in chromosome number 4. If we talk about the effect of this disease, then it is found that the levels of dopamine are increased.

 8. Parkinson's disease.

Another reason for dementia may be Parkinson's disease.

 9. Head trauma.

If a person is suffering from head trauma, then there are some chances for a person to get affected by this neurodegenerative disorder called dementia.

 10. Brain tumor.

If a person gets an injury in his brain or on some other parts of the brain, then the clot is formed. This clot causes the formation of tumors. These tumors can further lead to dementia.

 What are the symptoms and treatments of dementia?

A person suffering from dementia experiences the following symptoms:

 1. Forgetfulness

 2. Difficulties in daily activities.

 3. Language difficulties.

 4. No interest and hobbies.

 5. Confused and depressed.

 6. Impaired judgment.

 7. Problem related to thinking and communication.

Treatments are based on the history taking and symptoms.

Mental status examinations are also taken.

For the detection of tumors, a CT scan is also carried out.

If arteries are blocked then, MRI is also done.

Neurological and psychological tests are also conducted for a patient.

If we talk about drugs, then mainly, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, antianxiety drugs are used.

If a person needs therapy, then cognitive therapy is given.

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