How Dare To Be Different?

There is a high school not far from our home and I often see students walking to school or waiting at the bus stop. Over 1500 students are attending this school and yet when I see them there is a similarity that identifies them as belonging to this school. After thinking for a while, I realized that it is their appearance that is similar. Although there is no school uniform, it is their choice of clothing that almost creates a uniform in itself. The color choices tend to be limited to three colors, none of which stand out or look different. Almost all students carry a backpack. It is rare to see a student who stands out by wearing brighter colors or a different style of clothing.

This is a well-known example of the power of peer pressure, such an influential force in the lives of growing children. Ironically, the teenage years are a time when

Children try to learn who they are, and how their identity is unique, from family members and role models from earlier childhood years. Being ridiculed and even bullied by classmates at school causes all but the safe and brave of heart to conform or be ostracized at school.

There are many forms of conformity in the big wide world; the subtle expectations and pressures that create environments and communities that conform to "acceptable patterns of appearance and behavior."

However, success and fame come to those who stand out from the crowd with their creativity, uniqueness, and ability to stand out from the crowd.

A recent example of this is 21-year-old Alex The from England. In August of this year, Alex was about to start university. Being all too aware that many students graduate with huge debts to pay off, he decided to try to raise enough funds to cover their study expenses using the power of the internet. He created "The Million Dollar Home Page". The basic concept was that website owners could buy ad space on the website's home page for $1 per pixel. The smallest ad block you can buy is 10x10 pixels, which is $100. There are a million pixels up for grabs, so if Alex hits them, he'll win a cool $1 million!

On the face of it, it's a crazy idea - why would anyone want to pay to put a tiny graphic on a page of thousands of other tiny graphics if no one clicks on it? I'm sure if he took advice from internet experts he would be strongly advised not to even attempt such a ridiculous idea as he would have no hope of success.

Alex launched the site at the end of August and immediately began trying to generate interest from the press. This approach has worked brilliantly and has received international press over the past few months, helping to spread the word about his website in a viral way that is only possible on the internet. Result? After a very short time, Alex sold over half a million pixels – that means he generated over $500,000 in income in just 2 months! At this rate, it will reach its goal of selling a million pixels by the end of the year, and even if it doesn't sell another pixel, it's still doing great. To read a blog about Alex's adventure and view the site visit his website He will be visiting the US this week on a media tour. Within weeks of the site's launch and success, over 400 copycats were trying to make a quick fortune by copying a unique idea.

What does it mean to be different, stand out from the crowd, become influential and experience success? What qualities make innovative leaders rather than followers?

Here are some of my thoughts:

 Courage to follow your heart and intuition

 Security and confidence to stand up for what you believe

 Not interested in gaining the approval of others

 Creativity

 Willingness to be the first and take risks

 Determination to pursue your ideas

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