How Coach,The Real Hero?

How Coach, The Real Hero?


We all are different in many ways like color, language, culture, community, ritual, religion, region, and country too. We all are different from each other in status and level like education, business, trade, and finance too. We all are different from each other in taste, hobbies, and liking. We all are different from each other in desires, needs, tasks, and goals but one thing that is common in every community, society, region, country, and religion too is that we all like games


 Everyone likes games whether he is child or old, male or female, educated or literate, businessman or freeman, boy or girl, and boss or employee. Everyone likes games and in it, we express our emotions and excitement by enjoying, clapping, and shouting. In games, we enjoy and support our team and feel proud and excited about their winning or victory and feel sad and frustrated at their losing. Games are a part of our life, and we all are familiar with games because the champion and hero of the game is the champion and hero of our family, community, society, and country too.  Many times, a champion can gain fame all over the world and become an international superstar.


A champion not only represents his game, club, and country, rather he represents his discipline, attitude, and manner too. He is also representative of his community, society, culture, language, and religion too. Through the game, a champion gives life to the emotion, zeal, passion, and dream of the coming generation. In other words, he can be responsible for changing life because he has the power of influence to destroy and build or rebuild the hope and belief of others.


We all see the front side of a champion but never know the hardness, frustration, failure, and condemnation of his back side. One thing common with every champion in every game is that he faces three levels in every country. These three levels are the three stages of a champion, and every level is a learning lesson for us in our life too.


1- Learning Level (preparing level): The first level is the learning level. No one ever starts his career like a hero, star, or champion. Everyone starts their career or game through a learning level that is his basic level. At this level, he learns rules, methods, things name, procedure, styles, exercises, food, and studies about the game too. At this level, he learns discipline, hard-working, manners, attitude, and behavior too. At this level, he is a learner or student of the game family senior known as a coach.


The first level is the hard level, which is why those who are not interested and do not take it seriously leave in a few days, weeks, or maybe after some months. But those who are faithful, punctual, hard workers, called, passionate and prove themselves pass the first level and become part of the team.


2- Performance Level (Proving Level): Those who pass the first and basic level, then enter the second level, which is a proving or performance level. To become part of the team is not enough, rather to continuously maintain it is a hard job. This is a time to show himself as the best, otherwise, a player can lose his position in the team. Actually, this level is the big test of his true performance, ability, and skillfulness because many pass the first level but soon fail in the second level. They did not fail in one month or year, rather after many years because of their fame or popularity.


Success or fame is a test because many times it becomes the enemy of a player because success or fame is an addiction. To gain fame or success in the national team or maybe in an international team is not matter, but to maintain his popularity and success is a big challenge for a player. That is why many famous men, players, actors, businessmen, or leaders became victims of their fame or success and lost their fame, value, position, popularity, and many times their character too.  Because they live mentally and emotionally in fame and success and slowly ignore their performance and improvement. In the fame addiction, many times they break the ethical, cultural, and national laws. And some break the physical, natural, ritual, and religious laws. They not only ignore punctuality, fitness, and exercise but rather compromise immoral activities.


Many times their immoral activities not only affect the player's level, position, fame, performance, and success rather his body, character, health, wealth, relations, and family too. This situation not only disturbs his career, but rather his mental capacity too. This is a very hard situation because many blames or criticize others like seniors, board, friends, family, and many on God too. Some take drugs for their mental and physical satisfaction and become addicted, and some involve in satanic activities for their recovery. The player not only affects his family, friend, society, community, region, nation, and country rather he affects the next generations globally too. Because his good life becomes the encouragement, pride, passion, and role model of the next generation and his bad life and attitude become their embarrassment, discouragement, and frustration and many times become the source of drug addiction and suicide of the next generation.


At this level, the player should be careful what example he resets for his generation because he is a role model and superstar for them. Actually, this time period is not only memorable, a privilege and honor for him, but rather for his team, club, family, nation, and country too.


3- Distributing Level (Coaching Level): Life is not a split, rather it's a marathon race. No one can gain or learn in seconds, rather after many months and better in years. And no one became a hero or champion in days rather than after many months of exercise, hard-working, punctuality, following methods, and proper diet. And after the following discipline and performance of many years, a player became a champion and role model. Those who are faithful, reliable, hard workers, and experienced and have the ability to teach and guide newcomers then the club and country give them honor and privilege as a coach.


Coaching is not only a function and position rather it's a respect, honor, and opportunity for him after long run faithfulness, discipline, punctuality, performance, skillfulness, mature attitude, and sound character from the club, team, and country. It's his day-by-day improvement, hard work, and commitment that shows him as a reliable person for family, team, club, and country too. Now it's time for a coach that shows his eligibility to teach and guide for the coming generation. This level as a coach is a distribution or returning time for his family, club, team, country, and his next generation too. And this position is an honor and blessing for those who really want to see their club, team, and country famous and successful.


Now as a coach it's a time for him to impart and filtrate all his experiences, skills, methods, discipline, attitude, and character to new learners. Now it's a time for him as a coach not only to develop and improve their skills, rather improve their fitness, punctuality, and manner too. This level is a responsibility as a coach for him to encourage them, shape them, build them, increase them and extend their hope, dreams, passion for success, and future. Now is the best time for him to make a healthy environment for students so that they can feel themself as a family member, and part of a team and country. This is the best time for him to change their frustration, discouragement, and distractions into hope, courage, mentality, and destiny too. His responsibility as a coach is to give them room for mistakes and foolishness so that they can not only know themselves, their skills, or abilities, rather improve them, polish them and extend them. It's time for him to enhance their skill, ability, thanking, and dreams too. As a coach, he can evoke their loyalty to their club, team, nation, country, and God too. He can give them a new direction, destination, and ideology of life and their game because as a coach he is responsible for their life, game, goals, and career too.


As a coach, he is also responsible for himself for what he set an example for his club, team, new cumbers, society, community, nation, family, and country too. As a champion, what influence does he want to put on their next-generation, temporary or permanent, whether he wants to live in pictures or in their hearts? As a coach, he can set new goals, methods, and rules for the betterment of the club, team, and next generation. As a coach, by his experience and skills, he can produce an excellent, skilled, and well-mannered team as a gift for his country. And he can leave behind him a huge number of stars or champions and through them, he can live a long life in their mind, heart, and their memories.


As a coach, he can give the best return to his God for life, health, honor, respect, privilege, and opportunity. He can return to his God for all abilities which He put in him. As a coach, what champion do you want to become?


Thank you very much and God bless you for your precious time for reading this article.

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