How can you reduce your risk and protect yourself? WHO’s Dr Francesco Branca explains in Science in 5.


VGS Were you aware that your living environment, the local food systems, and your chances for physical activity? Your chance of being obese is impacted by everything mentioned above. How much of a problem is this? How can you safeguard yourself and lower your chance of being obese? Furthermore, how would you determine whether you are obese? Greetings and welcome to Five Science. Vismita Gupta Smith is with me. Today, we are speaking with Dr. Francesco Branca. Francesco. Discuss obesity with us.

FB A chronic illness that damages health, obesity is characterized by excess fat deposits. Heart disease and type 2 diabetes may result from it. It could impact reproduction that is bone health. Obesity is linked to specific cancers and negatively impacts one's quality of life. It is caused by eating an improper food, not exercising, having irregular sleep habits, and leading a stressful life.

It is easier for certain people to become obese due to a genetic predisposition to obesity. However, taking specific drugs may also lead to obesity. Because of the high-energy, always-available, low-cost foods, many people live in circumstances that are conducive to obesity.

VGS So, Francesco, what is the extent of this obesity issue?

FB Obesity is detrimental to both economic growth and health. We estimate that the effects of obesity result in 5 million deaths annually. Additionally, obesity causes nations to lose up to 3% of their GDP.

VGS How can someone determine if they are obese? And how can they take care of their health?

FB In order to diagnose obesity in people, weight, height, and body mass index are measured. A body mass index greater than 30 kg per square meter is helpful in the diagnosis of obesity. Waist circumference can also be measured in women; a measurement over 80 cm in women and over 90 cm in men implies a greater risk of obesity-related problems. You'll also see that high blood pressure is associated with fat. Both glycemic control and blood lipid problems exist.

You shouldn't be responsible for your obesity, is the retort to this. If you are obese, you shouldn't feel guilty about it, and others shouldn't hold obese people accountable. Seeing a doctor is the most crucial thing to do. Additionally, one should be courteous and professional toward those who suffer from obesity. One should assist in diagnosing the condition and in developing an integrated response, which includes offering dietary and physical activity counseling as well as, if necessary, recommending medication or even certain surgical procedures that would restrict food intake and absorption.

VGS In the case that I am unable to obtain nutritious food or convenient exercise, how can I safeguard myself and avoid obesity?

FB Policies at the local, state, and federal levels should support everyone's access to healthy lives. I'd want to share some advice with everyone. Choose wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and minimize sugar intake if you're an adult. Drink water instead of other beverages, stay active if you're a mother of a small child, and continue to breastfeed your child for as long as you can. For older kids, serve water instead of drinks with added sugar, and fruit and vegetables rather than candies. Limit screen time, make sure you get enough sleep, and walk to school.

VGS Regards, Francesco. Today's Science in Five covered that. Till then, until next time. Be careful. Remain well and continue studying science.

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