How and why Islamic state leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi has been killed

Islamic State chief killed for the duration of raid with the aid of using US unique forces in Syria



scene after raid by US forces

Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, the chief of Islamic State and one of the world’s maximum desired men, has been killed at some point of an in a single day raid through US unique forces in north-west Syria.

The pre-sunrise assault on a residence within side the village of Atme, simply south of the Turkish border, brought about as much as thirteen casualties, amongst them ladies and children. It additionally resulted within side the destruction of a US Apache helicopter, which were used to hold unique forces troops from Erbil in Iraq. US officers agree with Qurayshi directed closing month’s magnificent attack on a jail preserving IS inmates within side the east of Syria. Thursday’s raid became the maximum sizable via way of means of the United States on account that Qurayshi’s predecessor Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became killed in October 2019 in a village nine miles (14.5 km) south of Atme.

US forces took stays from the scene for forensic exam and – in contrast to the Baghdadi raid, which Donald Trump, then president, became brief to announce – there has been no instant response from the Biden White House. By mid-morning, the United States president had showed the operation.

“Last nighttime at my direction, US army forces within side the north-west [of] Syria correctly undertook a counterterrorism operation to defend the American humans and our allies, and make the arena a more secure place,” Biden stated in a statement. “Thanks to the talent and bravado of our armed forces, we've taken off the battlefield Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi – the chief of Isis. All Americans have back competently from the operation.” A senior US management reliable stated Qurayshi detonated a bomb at the start of the operation that killed him and participants of his family, such as ladies and children.

Medics who attended the aftermath stated they observed best 3 bodies. Others are believed to were taken with the aid of using townspeople. Photographs taken from within the domestic seemed to reveal the effect of a suicide blast. A Pentagon respectable in advance claimed that a number of the civilian casualties have been as a result of a detonation from within the domestic. Separate snapshots confirmed the second one ground of the two-storey residence in part collapsed.

There seemed to be little harm to surrounding homes. The residence’s landlord instructed neighborhood media that a person sporting a Syrian identity had rented the house from him eleven months in the past and had arrived with a spouse, 3 younger youngsters and a sister who lived on the second one ground. Other locals stated that they'd no concept one of the world’s maximum desired terrorists lived amongst them. “We best ever noticed his spouse shopping for vegetables,” stated Omar Halabi, 36. “I assume I noticed him once. He turned into quiet and humble.”

Residents of Atme have been woken at approximately 3am through the sound of helicopters touchdown nearby. A guy talking Arabic with an Iraqi accessory via a loudspeaker advised the occupants of the residence  that they'd 15 mins to surrender. After that point had elapsed, gunfire and explosions ripped via the night.

US troops remained at the floor for almost and a 1/2 of hours, an inordinate quantity of time for a unique force's operation in the back of enemy lines. In that point, one of the helicopters that they'd arrived at malfunctioned, in occasions that stay unclear. It becomes speedy destroyed through a circling US fighter jet, in scenes paying homage to the 2011 raid on Osama bin Laden’s hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan, wherein a stealth helicopter become lost.

Qurayshi were the bottom profile chief of IS or its forerunners, making no public appearances or giving speeches of note. An Iraqi, born within side the northern city of Tel Afar, he turned into a veteran of the post-Saddam Hussein Sunni-led insurgency who had risen via the ranks of the phobia institution to an area in Baghdadi’s internal sanctum. He is the fourth senior Isis chief to had been tracked down, captured or killed in Idlib province within side the beyond years. The day after Baghdadi turned into assassinated, additionally in a US raid, his nominated replacement, Abu Hassan al-Muhajjir, turned into hit with the aid of using an airstrike in Manbij. Last year, the IS deputy turned into exceeded over to Iraqi forces with the aid of using Turkey after having been captured in Syria.

Syrian authorities forces and their fundamental navy backer, Russia, have performed repeated assaults towards jihadist and revolt organizations in Idlib. However, a ceasefire deal brokered nearly years in the past with the aid of using Moscow and Ankara, the 2 fundamental overseas powers within side the place, remains formally in place.

Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, has lengthy insisted that his intention changed into to recapture the entire of Syria, inclusive of Idlib province, however, the contours of the jihadist-run enclave have remained in large part unchanged on account that early 2020. The occurrence of the IS management inside the place increases the probability that the heartland of the group – western Iraq – is now not the center of its operations, and that a brand-new technology of leaders is choosing sanctuary at the battlefields of Syria.




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Esha Ifra - Feb 4, 2022, 3:10 PM - Add Reply

very informative news

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