How about The Functional Consultant

Before you can use a map, you need to know where you are on it. When consultants look at their current situation in an objective way, they always find a way to eliminate confusion and misalignment. To move forward clearly, you must agree with yourself and your customers on what is currently true in your life, business, and project.

Take Control There is an old saying:You are stuck with what you resist. This is especially true of creative consultants and their work, as I've noticed. You won't be able to make things happen for your client if you don't know what your actual job is and don't take a full inventory of your belongings.

"Giving everything to what is already known is real generosity toward the future."

– Albert Camus What is your current position?What is today's top priority?Rarely is it as obvious as you might expect. The best way to respond to that one question is to answer these six:

1) Describe your current tasks.These might be tangible steps you need to take right now to fulfill your obligations:emails, phone calls, conversations, errands, idea generation, and so on A consultant who is always on the go might have to complete as many as one hundred of these tasks.

2) What are your ongoing undertakings?Remember that you are an independent professional and must keep your word.   These are the outcomes you have agreed to achieve.You are actually paid to set your agenda, not someone else.Now, which of these outcomes necessitates multiple actions?The majority of consultants have thirty to one hundred of these.

3) Exactly what are your current responsibilities?The majority of consultants have ten or fifteen, including customer service, asset management, planning oversight, staff development, and so on. However, neither you nor the company as a whole are in charge.That belongs to the CEO or owner.

4) Over the next year, how will your consulting responsibilities and personal life evolve?The truly successful, high-paying consultants I have known and worked with have made an effort to integrate their personal and professional lives. You are both a one-person conglomerate and a human being who breathes and has "outside" considerations for a balanced life. If you don't think about consulting an extension of a real life, a flesh-and-blood existence, but rather something entirely distinct, placed in a box referred to as:consulting work, you will almost always fail and experience extreme dissatisfaction.

5) How will my current life evolve over the next five years?This is the question about the big picture—how things ought to be, not necessarily how they will be in the near future.Why is this crucial?Because when we expand our vision into a wider area, we are able to obtain a nearly crystal clear response to our previous question—what is your job right now?This means that you can determine whether your current job choice is assisting you in achieving your ambitious long-term objective.

It takes approximately ten years to adjust to one's age.

— Unknown If you complete a comprehensive inventory of the commitments, issues, and projects that currently exist in your consulting practice and life on earth, particularly in these six areas, you will have a clear understanding of what constitutes work.I am aware that this is not simple work.I've spent more than 15 hours just figuring out my work on two basic levels:current initiatives and actionsBut if I don't do these things, I don't feel prepared, and neither do my customers nor I.

However, should I need to adjust my job description or make necessary adjustments along the way, this is all very helpful work.A lot of people only have a hazy idea or "feeling" of what they want to be or do in the future.However, they are doomed to drift like the Flying Dutchman in the absence of a reality-based reference point.

Therefore, knowing where you are on the map will help you decide whether to turn right or left.

"Discipline doesn't mean concealment


furthermore, control, nor is it change


to an example or philosophy.This implies that the mind perceives "what is" and derives

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