Healthy tips

Rub the sole and make the face shine.

Clap, shove disease Wake up the palm Rub nails brush old age Laugh out loud let loose sleep Every morning,keep the charge for the whole day. Dance everyday will not give chance to diseases.

What kind of water should one drink after getting up in the morning - light hot .

How often should food be chewed - 32 times.

What is the way to drink water - sip sip and drink.

When should I eat food in full- in the morning When should I eat breakfast in the morning - 2: 30 hours after sunrise.

What to drink with food in the afternoon- milk At what time should not eat citrus fruits- At night.

Never eat ice cream.

After how long should something come out of the fridge- after 1 hour Should never drink cold drink.

After how long the cooked food should be eaten.- 40 minatus.

What time should you dinner at night. - Before the sun sets.

How long before water can you eat - 48 minutes .

Can you drink lasso at night - No.

What to do after breakfast in the morning --- work.

What to do after having lunch - rest.

What to do after having dinner - 1000 steps should be taken.

What should be done after waking up in the morning - cold water.

What time should you sleep at night- 9 pm to 10 pm.

Name the three poisons.- white salt flour fast-food.

HEALTHY CELLS Polluted air food and water stress and poor lifestyle today adverserly affect beauty and affect the proper functioning of the body which immediately appears on the face and skin as a healthy and lifelese busyness.

Black spots on the skinwrinkles.

As well as falling hair and brittle nails are proof of this.

Unfortunately in today s modern busy lifestyle, we are unable to get complete nutritius food and hence our body is lacking in nutrients.

If you want a healthy life , choices along with your regular food.

Complete nutrition keeps cells healthy and healthy cells lead to healthy life.

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I am IQRAR and Articles Writer