Forefather ( Ancestor ) Will Bless The Euthanasia, Donate these 10 Items...

Forefather ( Ancestor ) Will Bless The Euthanasia, Donate These 10 Items...


It is believed that donations give satisfaction to the spirits of the forefathers and also end the patriarchy. Let's know what kid of fruit comes from donations...


  • Donate a Cow : Religiously, cow donation is considered the best of all donations. But donation of the cows made to the devotees is considered as a gift of happiness and prosperity.


  • Sesame Donation : Sesame has importance in every karma of revered. In this way, the donation of black sesame in terms of charity in the revered, protects against calamities.


  • Ghee Donation : In revered, donating cow's ghee to a vessel is considered auspicious and good for the family.


  • Land Donation : If you are financially wealthy, donating land to a weaker or poorer person in the community gives you wealth and privileges. But if that is not possible, you can donate to a Brahmin in the plate to donate some piles of soil instead of land.


  • Donation of Clothing : The donation has the importance of donating two dresses, including dhoti and scarf. The garment should be new and clean.


  • Donation of Silver : Silver donation is considered very influential for the blessings and satisfaction of the forefathers.


  • Grain Donation : Wheat, rice should be donated to the food grains. In the absence of it any other grain can be donated. Including this donation pledge yields the desired fruit.


  • Donation of Jaggery : Jaggery donation is considered to be source of wealth and happiness by destroying the tribulation and poverty by the blessings of the ancestors.


  • Gold Donation : Donations of gold are destructive to the tribulation. But if gold donation is not possible, you can also donate as much as possible to the gold donation.


  • Donate Salt : The donation of salt is very important for the happiness of the forefathers.


These could help many people to get rid of some of problems.

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I am an Astrologer and also working at Amazon affiliate marketing post. Working from home as freelancer.