Failure-A Stepping Stone To Success

Failure and Success are the two sides of a coin - like head and tails. Like success, we should accept failure also with happiness considering it a part of life. This famous saying means that if a person fails once, he should not lose his heart and try again. He must observe his mistakes and try to overcome them in his next attempt with more efforts. Repeated efforts lead one to success in nhis goal. Failures give us a new point of view through which we can achieve success. So we should always regard failure as the first step or a stepping stone to success.

All of us would be familiar with the story of King Bruce and the spider which is a excellent example of it. He lost eight battles and the eighth time he lost very heavily so that he had to hide in a cave. He had lose hope and decided not to fight again. Suddenly there he saw a spider trying to build a web. The spider could not link the web at a particular point though it tried a number of times, but finally it was successful. This inspired him and he again organised an army which defeated his enemies finally.

Even in science, inventions and discoveries do not happen overnight. Thomas Elva Edison was a very great inventor and he tried more than a thousand times to make a filament bulb. Later, on being successful, Edison stated that he succeeded because he found a thousand ways in which not to make the filament bulb.

So, failures should not be regarded as the inefficiency of the person concerned. If a man armed with the experiences of failure picks up courage and goes on doing a thing, success will be his. Failures provide a chance of self improvement; so we should face them boldly and cheerfully.

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