
I belongs to a village and I always like to give few time to my elders in my village the though me that if you want to be successful in your life than education is the way through which if you will pass than you will have a good result in your life style .

1. The elders of my village had told me that there are to things in life for being successful  

Knowledge   which means Gyan

Science        which means bigyanSo the had truly told these words and I fell that who education is important in our life

Through education and individual can learn and earn.

These both task are truly done by education.

Through education we observe that who people are making there life successful to an exterm level .

So at last I suggest you that never ever take education as a process  in your life it is an interesting phenomena

When I was I student , in my school I always learn various things like who to maintain our life.

Education always pay a vital role in an individual life

It help him to cope up with problems and make your life upgraded as many people said that education is the key towards success , these lines are really fit now a day we see ever next decision is taken by considering your education as your base .

And the level of your education Wil decide the level of your salary .

I single book can make a bagger an entrepreneur .

If the education is taken seriously by an individual than you will see it's returns .

The great legend honourable sir Kalam had said that your education will decide your future so take it seriously .

Hard but true that few people not give rise to education toward girl child .

It is very bad that the only precious girl child should be a part of education.

Ajay Dangi



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