Do You Want To Know What Is Black Fungus?? How It Affects Human?

Currently, the black fungus has been declared as an epidemic in few states of India. This article explains about awareness of black fungus to common people. Here are some tips which will help you to be aware of black fungus.

Mucormycosis is a disease caused by fungi (Black fungus). There are mainly two types of fungus - mucor and rhizopus creating high levels of infections. Let's know where these kinds of black funguses are and how they get into our bodies. There are so many types of micro-organisms everywhere around us; these are invisible to our eyes.

Let's see where the black fungus can be found... Places where garbage dumps, natural fertilizers are produced, in rotten leaves, sheep, cow, and dung; in rotten trees, in water-permeable walls, uncleaned Ac, wet carpet, in foods such as rotten vegetables, fruits, and spoiled bread. Also, it might be in the nasal and mucous membranes of unhealthy humans.

Fungi do not grow in one place alone. To reproduce and propagate elsewhere, they produce a structure of tiny seed forms called spores. These fungal spores explode and spread through the air. This spore is capable of withstanding high temperatures known as thermoresistant. So, these fungus spores stay around us in the air and soil.

How black fungus gets into our body? When we walk barefoot on the ground without shoes or slippers, it enters through small cracks in our feet. And in another way, these can enter our body and affect us through holes caused by fire injuries or damages to our skin. 

Because high levels of fungal spores are spread in the air, they can directly affect our liver from the air we breathe. If we eat spoiled food, the fungus in it will reach our gut directly. Like this, everything around us is full of fungus. But, the immune system in our body protects us from these types of funguses. When our immune system is weakened, these types of fungi seriously affect us.

Mucormycosis is not a new disease. It has been in the human race for a long time. But it only affects those who had low immunity. And now, for the past one month, the disease has been attacking people who have been infected and cured by corona. This is because studies say the steroid medications given to corona sufferers, it reduces their natural immunity. So, the black fungus affects them easily. 

To protect ourselves from these types of funguses, we must first protect ourselves from the corona. The only way to protect ourselves; we should follow the terms - hands should be washed thoroughly, and sanitizer should be used to keep them free of germs. It is mandatory to wear double masks when going outside and talking to others. Social distancing must be followed too. And it is important to take vaccines as advised by the government to protect ourselves from the disease.

Through this article, I urge you to protect yourself with healthy foods and cleanliness. And also, remember, "health is wealth." Stay safe! 

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Parth Anand - May 30, 2021, 1:41 PM - Add Reply

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I am Kavipriya. I have completed BE.CSE