Do not you think abandoning desires is also a desire?

Is abandoning the desires one and the only way to have a happy, spiritual, and contented life?

If the present day’s youth population is concerned, they are just in their career's very entry checkpoint. For them, how far this concept of abandoning desires helpful? Is it the only way left to attain eternal happiness? If we keep our spiritual point of view aside for a moment and self-analyze and introspect, don't you feel it's something similar to a well-known proverb, i.e.,” Grapes are sour if it's not our”?


To which level can we justify that this dispassionateness is the only endeavor to attend the so-called peace, spiritual sanctity, holiness, contentment, or pleasure? There are two completely different schools of thought that completely contradict one another, but the people have to decide whether an argument should be accepted or rejected. I feel this teaching in some way fuels up the attitudes of unambitious and lazy people. This supports their unwillingness to work even to earn bread and butter for their family.

Desiring for something is never bad, but you know the age-old golden saying – ”Excess of everything is bad.” It would help if you were not so desperate to attain your desires that it burns your life into ashes. Desire things there is no harm but be ready to leave it into the fire when it becomes the need of time.

We, as social animals, desire many things. Simultaneously, many spiritual gurus and Swamijis tell us to give up on our desires and aspirations. So at the end of the day, we face a big conflict somewhere deep inside us. The question remains the same, i.e., Will we be able to reach the Almighty? You all have this very question in your mind, maybe now or maybe a few years later. This question remains unaffected by any of the diversities like religion, caste, or creed.


If you truly want to give up on your desires, then is that not the desire? Then will it be fair enough calling someone greedy only because the desired a minute piece of creation? If someone desires the very Almighty creator of the universe, isn't that the ultimate greed?

Any preaching that wants us to be that is impossible is not teaching; it's just stupidity. So when we talk of giving up on wishes, we create the desire to give up all our desires but mind you, we are still inner desires. So this proves that while restraining ourselves from desiring anything, we still are in a desire, and hence this teaching is impossible to follow and not feasible.

I feel like utter bullshit has been topped for many decades now. Just because it gets a vast audience to believe in and gets printed in books and only because some people say it to be pious, it never becomes true or correct.

Have you ever come across anyone without a desire? Maybe the kind of desire varies from person to person, but nobody in this whole universe has no wishes? No living thing in this universe can be devoid of desires because the ultimate energy we call life is not diverse from what we generally term as desires or aspirations or wishes. Thus no wishes mean life isn’t possible.

Since life and desires are not separable; therefore, to abandon desires is useless to try, which has zero success rates. Thus, it's worthy for all to desire the best and highest in life. I strongly feel all of us should direct all our positive energy, which we term as the desire, to the level of topmost achievable success.

These teachings that preach to become passionless, uneager, and unambitious have evolved because modern-day people prefer to indulge in a very selective way of living and running after shortcuts.

When you start living in a highly selective life, then it's obvious that you get stuck up with the entangling process and progress of life, which in general terms is called attachment. Many people advise you to leave a solitary life, away from any attachments. If one gets separated from life, will you be any more able to know what life is? The only way to know life is to get involved in it. So if you don't get involved, you will not be able to learn any lesson taught by your life.

The rise of the concept of preachings of unambiguously way of living and enthusiasm was coupled with unaspiring because of the fear of getting entangled, which is the only key to all the pains and worldly sufferings in a person. Thus to elude from this fret, few escapists suggested this idiotic and brainless solution of leaving a detached life.

So, these people believe that avoiding a problem is it's the only solution. They feel the only solution is to avoid life, which seems unfeasible because if a person wants to leave, he or she needs to associate or get connected with life. And if you want to elude life, you should be ready to die; it's a straightforward equation.

Being in a state of living and desiring to die and not being able to die is a torturous punishment, as the basics are either getting pleasure out of life or not getting pleasure out of life – the bedrock of what you mention as heaven and hell are this – if you are in anything out of your consent, Then that is your heaven. On the other hand, if you are in anything forcibly without your willingness, then that is your hell.

The most pleasing attractive thing missing ugliest to you if it happens to you reluctantly or hesitantly. The act of love can seem to be abuse or molestation; the only point of difference is willingness and the moment when you think deep inside your mind that you want to be detached, you seem to be reluctant to travel in the parts of life.

By surviving in this fashion, you make the hell out of your life. It's because people do unknowingly still have made their life such a complete hell that they dream of going to heaven after death. If somebody is so negative that he makes his life equivalent to hell, then certainly without any query, it won't be wrong to say that he would also incur the hell out of his immediate surrounding.


So dear readers, it is totally up to us how we make our life. Our life is just like a painting, and we are the painters; we are to decide which colors to be filled and which to be avoided. And if we make correct decisions regarding our life, nobody can stop us from having a prosperous and blissful life.

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