Difference between seo and ppc .

Difference between seo and ppc .

Seo is search engine optimization and ppc is pay per click . The Main difference between seo and ppc is seo is free and ppc is paid . Basically seo and ppc used in you website very easily . PPC is paid for rank your website but this method is fast for rank your website.  PPC is paid method .

In the help of PPC you can pay first amount then rank your website in google first page . It is so easy to rank your website compare to seo . Because seo is free and it is too late for rank your website . Google algorithm is refer best option your search .

So I refer seo is difficult to as compared PPC .  PPC is part of digital marketing . It is very popular in the world . Seo is too late for your website rank . So that reason PPC is better than seo . 

Because many competition in google platform .  Mojority of companies which create online Bussiness is choose PPC for immediate rank our website .  

Mostly Bussiness are grow our website or app with the help of PPC method not seo . 

Because seo too late for your website that reason ppc is best option for rank your website . 

But you are beginner then I refer seo because you have no money and you are at beginning level in website ranking so this situation seo is best option . 

Seo is free for rank your website easily . It is very popular method for rank your website .

If you can start PPC method to rank your website then you will create complain for your website advertising .

And if you can start seo method to rank your website then you will start onpage seo and off page seo . This is same difudiffer between PPC . So you can choose one method to rank your website or app .

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