Coronavirus Quarantine

Quarantine ** The Arabic word meaning "quarantine" in English. * Quarantine Urdu * * Medical imprisonment * or * Forty days detention * **. * Definition of quarantine *. The location (especially at the ports) should be located for some time in which items or animals that are suspected of spreading an infectious disease. * Plus *. A place where people with infectious diseases should be kept apart from healthy people.

 The word quarantine comes from the Italian word Quaranta giorni, which means forty days.

Plague (bacteria) has swallowed millions of him three times in recorded human history. The first time that the Byzantine Empire was wiped out in 541-542 AD.

Then came the Black Death of Europe, which began 1348, and in four years, 25 million people, more than a third of Europe, swallowed. During that time, the merchant and crew on the merchant vessels entering the port of Venice were required to remain on the ship for forty days. The was to keep away from the urban population. So that during this time, the symptoms of the plague will be revealed, and it should be separated from the healthy one. That was the only way to save the rest.

Quarantine is mentioned in the scription as old as human civilization. Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan, of Umayyad, made quarantine in Damascus during leprosy. Closed the city for several days and separated the people from the healthy and moved Damascus quarantine.

You need quarantine because All these ecosystems are interconnected continuously. Humans need a conducive environment for breeding, as well as viruses; bacteria need an organism for living and reproduction.

The virus is tiny, so ut can choose the host of bacteria, whether human or human. It is a small structure, and its function is to break down the cell wall and insert its genetic material into the cell and produce more viruses using its chemical mission to destroy the short-lived human cells.

The human body uses its immune system (T cells, antibodies, etc.) In the fight against the viruses that detect and control the virus in various ways.

If the virus wins this war, man dies. If a person wins, the infection is controlled.  

In all this process, the virus takes time to show its symptoms. In the case of covid-19, this time is from 5 to 14 days. For this, at least 14 days, the entire city must re.ain quarantined in its own home. After 14 days, healthy can be improved by treating the sick.

Anyone who has to fight the disease will also put in the quarantine. To help the human and the patient's immune system in the battle with the virus help him -

This is neither a prison nor a protect for vacation. This the only way to fight these viruses that enter the human system.

The sole purpose of establishing quarantine centers is to keep people suffering from coronary disease from healthy people. So that sick people do not cause the transmission of the virus to healthy people around them. Patients enrolled in isolation centers are being given only simple PAN cleaners worldwide. Shifting is being done on ventilators. Those who are receiving are of their own body are due to the immune system. The immune system is a natural defense of our collection against disease-causing pathogens. And this is the only natural protection that is protecting people from the corona.

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