Conceptual Packaging Design and How it Affects Marketing

Humans are visual creatures by nature. How often have you decided to buy a product because you liked the creative packaging? If you’ve done this, you’re not alone. As consumers, we all judge based on the information provided on the packaging. Hence, the packaging is directly proportional to branding and marketing. 

In a matter of a few seconds, the product packaging answers all our questions. We make assumptions on the quality, price, and usability based on the packaging. Considering this, manufacturers across various segments decided to experiment with conceptual packaging. 

What is Conceptual Packaging Design, and How can it help in Marketing?

As the name implies, conceptual packaging is packaging that involves a concept. It brings a “wow” factor to a product. Anyone can pack a product in a boring, plain white box. However, you should invest in conceptual packaging design to ensure your company shines in a good light. 

During the ideation stage, develop a compelling story, relevant theme, unique colour palette and catchy slogan to make your consumers experience a 360-degree vision of your new product concept. 

By investing in concept packaging, you can engage with the customer and create a memorable experience. 

Conceptual packaging involves the following three components:

  • Outer packaging: It is the first thing the customer will see. Thus, it has to be attractive and interactive. It protects your product from the outside world. It can include a box, a canister or any other container in which the product is shipped. 

  • Inner packaging: Inner packaging keeps the product safe within the outer packaging. It can be anything that keeps the product intact and prevents transit damage—for example, a sealed bag or a moulded container. The goal of inner packaging is to ensure the product reaches the customer in its original condition. 

  • Product packaging: This is the last packaging layer before opening your product. It usually includes a label on the bottle, a tag or a wrapper. 

When commercial packaging includes the above components, it helps with branding and marketing too. 

Product packaging is a great marketing tool. You can also influence a consumer’s purchasing decisions when you get it right. Attractive packaging also makes your brand memorable. When your packaging involves a concept, customers will automatically be drawn toward it. Use the back of the packaging label to tell a story. Doing so can create an emotional bond with your target group. 


Importance of Packaging Details and Graphic Design in Marketing

For a product to sell, the packaging has to look good. The way it is presented is enough for the customer to make an impulsive buying decision. Hence, the graphic design of your product packaging is critical. The design of a package serves two purposes – it attracts a customer's attention and provides information about a product. Research suggests that there will be a 30% increase in consumers if a business focuses on product packaging design.

With the proper custom product packaging, you can generate more leads. 

Here’s how good graphic design on packaging helps promote your products:

  • Boosts your brand power

Graphic design is the essence of every packaging label. Good graphic design helps you stick to a specific pattern and style. Once you start following it, consumers will become more familiar with it with every purchase. It helps you with branding. Without design, your packaging would look plain and boring. Before zeroing down on a particular design, think about your brand values, identity, and logo. 

  • Differentiates you from your competitors

If all the products on a shelf looked the same, customers would need clarification. Therefore, you must ensure that your brand looks unique and extraordinary. You need the right graphic design for your product packaging to tackle this. 

  • Disseminates information

Besides making the product look good, graphic design also helps with giving the customer important information. Customers using a product for the first time would be interested in knowing what the package entails. Therefore, ensure the design includes information such as ingredients, weight, nutritional benefits, directions for use, manufacturing and best-before dates, serving suggestions, etc. 

  • Defines your products

Your graphic design will inform your prospects about what your products are all about. Colour, fonts and styling will tell them who you are. For example, many food brands use red on their label since the colour affects a person’s appetite. On the other hand, products that claim to be organic use green. Thus, design helps you communicate better with your patrons. Many new-wave brands use bright colours to attract millennials, whereas luxury brands excessively use minimalism and colours such as silver, gold and grey. 


What Makes a Good Package Design?

“Packaging should be designed with a target customer in mind – not by aiming to appeal to everyone.”

Just how a book is judged by its cover, a product is often judged by its packaging. The goal of every package design is to drive purchases. For this to happen, there are specific guidelines you should follow:

  • Clarity and simplicity

  • Authenticity

  • Should tell a story

  • Functionality and effectiveness

  • Extensibility

  • Practicality 

  • Sustainable/eco-friendly 


The face of packaging design is changing. In 2023, the world of packaging will witness an eclectic mix of trends. Beyond the bright and bold colours, punchy neons will be in vogue. Apart from this, typography, product visuals and a vintage aesthetic will shape the packaging design world. Despite being occupants of a digital world where everybody is shopping online, great packaging design still holds good and thus needs your time and attention. 

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