Smart choices

       There are many clues that indicate where you and I fit on the smart scale, but none more indicative than the quality of choices we make. Over time, our choices are external indications of how well we think. Many of our choices are under the contro or influence of other people. So,the quality of the choices you make is dependent on the way you think. The kind of thoughts you have about the people around you, what you think about yourself and your thoughts about what you want to accomplish with your life all work together to form a way of living that governs your life and the choices that you make. The whole process of living starts in your head. 

        When you look for good things in other people and make an effort to think well of them, you create a positive context for your own life.When you think of your life as an opportunity to help others,you establish a positive environment for interacting with those around you.When you think about worthwhile goals for your life, you can create a positive reference for the choices that you make each day.

        Another reality of this life building process is that your actions affect you as much as they do other people. Not only does the new neighbor appreciate the flowers that you brought over to welcome her but you gain a certain positive feeling for having done so. Yes her life was made a little happier as a result of your actions, but your life was made happier,too. 

       In the same way, but with exactly opposite results, the person who steals from another is in effect stealing his own opportunity to feel good about himself and at the same time actually choosing to live a better life that will mean little to other people. Its a big mistake to believe that our words and deeds only affect others. We are on the receiving end of what we say and do as well.



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Being positive