Chemical food

  • We are living in the 21st century.which is the time of information and technology. Nowadays people are busy with their daily routine. Nobody cares about the use of chemicals in food. It can decrease human life by age.use of chemicals brings a high number of illnesses.huge the number of people are suffered and suffering from this. Because of this age decrease, low capacity of brain, weakness etc effects can be seen. So for that, we should have properly sacrifice chemical food. The government should have provided strict prohibitions on the use of chemicals.
  • Then there is the chance to eradicate it. Not only governments people should also have to focus on this. Because the use of chemicals is also happened by people. So they have to think about it again and again and take the step and do as much they can. if we do like our children live, as well as our, also increase day by day. And we all be healthy. By doing this we can spend our life as healthy people. And nowadays heal6life style is very rare.out of 1000 people, 5 people are spending a healthy life rest 995 are spending unhealthy. Which is not a good record. So this is the responsibility of everyone who is on the earth.
  • It is our duty to keep it safe. And we have to do this. This is or necessity too. If we don't then use of chemicals can be eradicated but can be eradicated human beings. But doing this there is also a good relationship between ecosystems. Ecosystems also come in balance. Think and think just stop the use of chemicals can help in many ways. It can help in increasing human life and if human life develops then human force helps in the development of society, family, nation, etc. So, in my opinion, it should be implemented in our daily is our responsibility and necessity too. 

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