By Vastu Remedy, Avoid Incurable Diseases

Avoid Incurable Diseases by Vastu Remedy


These days Vastu becomes most important thing to do before buy new house, but sometime actual guilt remains.

So some people live in a rental house or goint to live in a prepared house. Then there is some real guilt that affects the person living in that house negatively.

So sometimes this disease also causes some diseases. While some diseases have been harassing for a long time, it should be checked that the defect is not responsible in some way.

Especially Pediatric diseases, elderly diseases that are often seen. The cure for erectile dysfunction is actually definite. This remedy should be done as a matter of fact.


  • In the northwest corner of the bed, place a while towel underneath the mattress. There should be white sheets on the bed.


  • Do not keep any slippers, grabage, etc. in the northeast side of the room.


  • Do not drink milk after five pm.


  • Head to the east and fall asleep.


  • If there is a garden in the north-west direction of the house, then plant yellow flowering plants.


  • Wear five and half pounds of Pearl.


  • Keep night lamps to be left or right of the bed.


  • Wear eleven heads or three-headed Rudraksha.


  • When sleeping at night, place a pillow under your foot and lift it slightly to sleep.


  • The auspicious and ominous influence of the north is affecting the income of women and families in the household.


  • It is especially effective in diseases of the nose, ears, gas, cough and cold, and heart diseases in the body. Basil plants that are capable of making life happier.


  • It is planted in any empty corner, starting from south-east to north-west, to remove the defect. If this is not an empty place, basil plants are planted in the vase.


  • keeping the basil plants near the kitchen increases the harmony of the family in every household. If you keep it near the window in the east, your child will obey you.


  • If children is too stubborn and goes beyond its limits, then 3 leaves of basil plants in the east direction to feed it in any way.


  • If your daughter is not married, keep the basil plant in the south-east direction and give regular watering. This remedy will solve the problem of marriage.


  • If your business is not going well, keep the basil plant in an angle of incubation and give it raw milk every Friday.


  • If the problem due to the superiors in the job, where there is a vacancy in the office, on Monday, the seeds of basil should be tied in white cloth and pressed into the corner. This will improve the relationship.

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