Black Magic...[ Kala Jaadu}

Black magic traditionally reffered to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purpoese. With respect to the left-hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, black magic is the malicious , left-hand counter part of the benevolent white magic. In Modern times, some find that the defination of "black magic"has been convoluted by people who define magic or ritualistic pratices that they disapprove of as "black magic". Like its a counter part white magic, the orgins of black magic can be traced to the primitive , ritualistic worship of spirits as outlined in Robert M. Place's 2009 book, Magic and Alchemy.

Unlike white magic, in which place sees parallels with primitive shamanistic efforts to acheive closeness with spiritual beings, the rituals that developed into modern "black magic" were designed to invoke those same spirits to produce beneficial outcomes for the practitioner. Place also provides a broad modern defination of both black and white magic preferring instead to refer to them as "high magic" (white) and "low magic" (black) based primarly on intentions of the practioner employing them. He acknowledges, through, that this broder defination of ("high and low") suffers from prejudices beacuse good-intentioned folk magic may be considered "low" while ceremonial magic involving expensive or exclusive components may be considered by some as "high magic", regardless of intent.


How to Do Black Magic:

Black Magic if fueled by powerful forces forces and sprits, so its important to know that you're getting into before you start casting spells or performing hexes-otherwise you might be the one who gets harmed. If you wnat to learn how to use black magic to change the course of your future keep reading.



Step 1 : 

Understanding Black Magic :

Consider the outcome you want to bring about. What trouble is plaughing you so much that you want to use black magic to correct it? Black magic is considered a dark art beacuse you use it to get what you wnat by means of controlling someone else.

Step 2 :

Know the basics of a Black Magic ritual:

the ritual you use to perform black magic will depend on your desired outcome.There are different rituals for everyting from casting a spell to gain wealth to raising the dead and greaves. Most rituals involve the following elemnts.

Step 3 :

Understand Curese and Hexes :

Aside from conducting a classic Black Magic ritual, there are other ways to perform black magic .Placing a curse or hex is done as a way to bring ill fortune to another person, or to make them do what you want to do.

Step 4 : 

Make sure you'r willing to deal with the consequences:

Awakening the forces of darkness can be a serious move and should not be done lightly, The threefold law (wiccan Rede) states that what you put forth comes back to you threefold.

Step 5 :

Make a Poppet :

choose a piece of black cloth and cut teo layers in the shape of a small person.The shape should look vaguely similar to the person on whom you wnat to place a hex. Sew the edges toghther but leave the top of the head unswen. Fill the poppet, Fill it up with earth , a few powerful crystials, and hair and nails clippings from the peron you wnat to hex, then draw a pentagram inside it . Alternately , you may draw a scared circle on a piece of paper large enough to stand on. Light candles around the circle before you step inside. Stand in the circle and speak the words of you spell out the poppet. Repeat the words of power Three times.

Black Magic Book :

It the one of the most hidden Book in the world, which are rare to be found.but after many attempts a several books have been found which are banged to use ... and using of that can cause sudden Death...


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