BGMI 4 Finger Claw Control Layout Code and Suitable Sensitivity Top Settings

BGMI 4 Finger Claw Control Layout Code and Suitable Sensitivity Settings

Ready to step up your BGMI game? If you're still fighting with the basic 2-thumb controls, it's time for a serious upgrade. Claw control setups – especially the 4 finger claw – are the way pro players get an edge. With a little practice, you'll be surprised how much faster and more accurate you become.

Why the 4 Finger Claw?

BGMI has several claw options, like 3 finger, 5 finger, and even crazy 6 finger setups. The 4 finger claw strikes a perfect balance. It gives you way more control than the default 2 thumbs without being too difficult to master. This means you'll be able to aim, shoot, move, and use items much more efficiently.

Getting Your 4 Finger Claw Setup

Thankfully, you don't need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to button layouts. Experienced players have done the hard work for you! Here's a proven BGMI 4 finger claw code you can use as a starting point:

BGMI 4 Finger Claw Layout Setup Code:


Importing the code is easy – want to see how? There are tons of quick tutorials on YouTube to guide you through the process.

Important: Feel free to tweak this setup! Everyone's hands are different, so find what feels most comfortable for you. Don't be afraid to experiment until everything feels natural.

Sensitivity: The Other Half of the Equation

A great control layout is only half the battle. Top-notch sensitivity settings will make or break your claw experience. Unfortunately, there's no perfect "copy and paste" solution. The best settings depend on your device and personal preferences.

But don't worry, I've got a sensitivity code to get you going. Use this in combination with the layout code above:

Sensitivity Setup Code for BGMI 4 Finger:


Finding Your Perfect Sensitivity

It'll take some time in the practice arena to dial in your sensitivity. Play around with the settings, try out some close-range fights, and see what helps you aim most accurately. Remember, everyone's a bit different!

Extra Tips for a Smooth Transition

Switching to a claw setup can feel a little awkward at first. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Enable Gyroscope: If you haven't already, turn on the gyroscope option in your settings. This will help with fine-tuned aiming movements.

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Don't get discouraged initially. Give yourself plenty of practice in unranked matches or the training area before jumping into serious competition.

  • Check Your Settings: Sometimes, default game options can mess with your claw setup. Double-check your settings to make sure everything is configured for smooth gameplay.

Ready to Dominate?

With a little dedication, the 4 finger claw setup can transform your BGMI experience. You'll be pulling off headshots and wiping out squads with newfound skill. Have you tried going claw? Share your experiences below, and let's help each other become unstoppable forces in BGMI!

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About Author

Muzamil is a web developer and designer based in Kashmir. With over 5 years of experience in the web development industry,

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