Benefits of Hitting a Punching Bag to Gain Strength

lately physical workouts that include boxing practices such as kicking and punching with gloves have become very popular in gyms and personal workouts.

all my favorite celebrities upload images to their social network training with puching bag.have you see these video too?well,i decided that i didn't want to stay behind and that's why i tried to try it.

what i didn't know the first addition to how exhausting it was going to be,is all the advantages for the body that i could achieve and the large amount of muscles i waas going to exercise.

Finally the punching bag has become a fundamental part of my physics routine at home,both for cardio.strengthening and even technique,the possibilities and combinations are unlimited.


  • Strengthens Muscles

hitting bag does not only require movement of arms, so you will only  be able to bend your wrist, but a good punch will make you move your hip, ankle, boost your back and tighten your abs.

aas you think ,making these movements combined to throw each of the punch again and again will create resistance quickly.

our muscles will try to start this effort by creating new joints and muscle fibers that will end up increasing our body mass,develping strength and enhancing  each movement.

  • Fast And More Precise Movements 

the naltural balance of the bag that occurs after each impact forces us to move with it, to get out of its way and to look for an angle that allows a good blow, neither too shorts nor too far

this condition is an elements of reatiion that is not had inother exercises because it teaches us to have a better notion of distance and space, key elements to be precise with our kicks and lists.

in addition,these movements work the reflexes, their speed and condition the knuckles and pimples, musles normally forgotten but that are necessary to be able to cocentrate the movements better.

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