Be the unique instead of being best. Because best is No.1 but Unique is the only one. Those who break all human challange or limitation in every field of human endeavor either it is science, medicine, sports, the arts or technology, the peoples who imagined the impossible are famous in past. by breaking the barriers and taking challenge or breaking limits of their imaginations do change the world.

We have many example s of people who made impossible to possible by their indomitable energy. Lord Kelvin once told that the thing heavier than air can not fly. But wright brothers made it pebble by using integrated combination of varios technology fly the plain of many people.  Rocket designer launch capsule with astronauts and made moon walk a truth. Nepoliyan bone part removed impossible word from his dictionary and concurred many countries in the past history.

It is the tremendous efforts of astronauts Copernicus, Galileo and ke per that now we take it granted that Earth is  a globe, orbiting round the sun and sun is in the Milky way. Early scientists of past centuries have brought us outcomes of scientific explorations. They face many hurdles , challenges, and impossible tasks and they made all of them possible. 

These facts have inspired young generations and accelerated their efforts to achieve their goals. To make small goals is a crim. It indulge a person in limitations. Make a big goals , the small goals are automatically been achieved. 

So the stage of unique personality is the result of making big goals in life. It not only change the life style of a person but also brings change , betterment in lifestyle of mankind , nations and the world. One should explore the unknown and be the source of his own discoveries. Let the known be one's liberation, and not one's slavery.

This is the way to become unique instead of becoming only the best.  

Be the UNIQUE.


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