Be careful with this "trick" of Spotify: this way you can roll it at home if you follow it

Among the streaming music services, Spotify is one of the most popular on the market, an application that is great for listening to music and podcasts in both it's free and paid versions. In addition to its catalog, one of Spotify's virtues is the omnipresence of the service, being available on practically all possible platforms.

And with the confinement, the company is clear about it. In addition to devices, they want the music we want to hear to be the soundtrack of our neighborhood, and for that, they are sharing a trick on social networks. A terrible trick.

The absurd Spotify trick that will break the connection in your home

In these weeks, there are many neighborhoods or apartment blocks that are used to throwing a party after the sanitary applause at 20:00. You cannot miss the one that has a sound system and plays music for those who look out onto the balcony.

Taking advantage of this trend, Spotify has suggested a trick for your neighbor DJ to put the song you choose. What trick? Rename your Wi-Fi network to the song you want to play.

Do you have any kind of science? If we change the name of the Wi-Fi network, will our favorite music start play? Well, no, Spotify's base is more straightforward than it seems.

The idea itself is excellent (as long as your neighbor starts reading the Wi-Fi networks), but if you are not consistent, you can change the connectivity of your house.

Why is it a terrible idea

The name of the Wi-Fi network has a double function when it comes to displaying the name. The first is that we can identify the system, while the second is that devices with Wi-Fi can find the system and connect.

If you change the name of your Wi-Fi piece by piece, you can break the connectivity of any device that was connected to your router. Specific:

Your smartphone and those of the rest of the house.

  • Tablets.
  • WiFi-connected desktops and laptops.
  • Virtual assistants like Google Home or Alexa.
  • Any other Wi-Fi connected device (light bulbs, plugs, whatever).

You do not have to fear, and if you put the name of the network back to the original, everything will return to normal. In case you do not remember the previous title, you can always consult it on any device by viewing the networks it has stored, but it can be a nuisance.

But I want to do it still, is there any way to do it?

If you liked the idea of Spotify and want to do it, go ahead. But we recommend a couple of ideas to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible:

If you are going to change the Wi-Fi password and you have a computer connected by password, change the password from it, so you will not have to reconnect to the new Wi-Fi network.

To avoid the mess, save the name of the previous Wi-Fi.

An alternative that saves you trouble is to create a Wi-Fi access point from your mobile. Just head to Settings -> Wi-Fi Networks -> Share Connection. And from your mobile, you create Wi-Fi with the name of your favorite music. And you avoid breaking any connection in the home.

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