What are you Aware of scarlet fever?

Scarlet Fever or Red fever awareness

We noticed that younger age of people is affected by this fever. In early, scarlet fever used to be a very dangerous childhood illness, but now, it has become less dangerous. The use of anti-bacterial to treat the disease at an early stage can help stability. Strep Throat Rash. Scarlet Fever or Red fever awareness for peoples

  We noticed that younger age of people is affected by this fever. In early, scarlet fever used to be a very dangerous childhood illness, but now, it has become less dangerous. The use of antibiotics to treat the disease at an early stage can help stability.

 Throat Rash.

 Scarlet fever is onset by a red rash in both adults and children. Which starts as red rash slowly transforms to give a fine and rough feeling. This rash has a scarlet color, and this color is referred, as the name of the disease. This rash appears as the first symptom; the remaining signs may be noticed after 2-7 days of the outbreak.

 Signs and Symptoms of Fever.

- Flushing on face

-  Dehydration and dizziness

- Itching in skin and throat

- Elbows, knees, and armpit appear as Red-colored creases

-  Pain due to sore throat

- High-grade fever

- Headache, nausea, and vomiting

- Abdominal pain

- Swollen tonsils

- Swollen glands around the neck region

- Pale lips and skin 

Causes of scarlet fever

    This is spread from streptococcus or Streptococcus progeny of bacteria. These bacteria live in the nasal passages and mouths of Patients. Toxins that cause the red rashes on the body are produced by bacteria.

  Severe complications of fever.

        This fever usually disappears between 10 days to two weeks when treated with antibiotics, but in some cases, fever can lead to the following complications:

- Arthritis

- Ear infection

-  Inflammation of the tiny filters in your kidneys

- Rheumatic fever

- Throat abscesses                  

 How To Manage Symptoms Of Scarlet Fever.

   Fever should be treated immediately with antibiotics to prevent complications. But we can try the following to help relieve the symptoms of the disease:

- Eat soft or liquid foods if it is painful to swallow

- Cold sponging to relieve fever

- Saline gargles

- Rehydration by drinking a lot of water

- Avoid staying in polluted areas

- Do not smoke

- Use an air humidifier to reduce the throat irritation

 How To Prevent Scarlet Fever


- The hands when after coughing

- Hands before taking anything to the mouths

- Hands after using the restroom

- Cover their nose and mouth with a clean handkerchief when coughing or sneezing

- Avoid sharing their eating utensils or water glasses with others, especially when they are in a group.

- Shift the patient to the nearest hospital.

-  Avoid the patient from direct sunlight

 Scarlet Fever Infectious?

     Yes. This can be contracted for weeks before a carrier begins symptoms of the disease. Usually contracted by coming in contact with the droplets of an infected person’s cough, saliva, nasal mucus, or sneeze. 

   This means that nasal fever can be contracted by coming in direct contact with the infected patients or by directly touching their nose, eyes, or mouth. If you see a red rash in your body for a long period. 

   You should visit the doctor instead of ignoring it as it can occur due to Scarlet fever too.

  Wastes related to patients must be discarded to stop germs from spreading.

 Learn more about the fever here

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No matter the power of enemy. I can never afraid of dangers. It,s not pride. It,s gust who i am?