Mahesh Siddappa Dhabe

Mahesh Siddappa Dhabe

351 Hits Mahesh Siddappa Dhabe Aug 27, 2019, 3:10 PM
Shavasana is also known as the corpse of the corpse. It is a fully conscious posture aimed at awakening itself but with laxity. The Sanskrit word 'corpse' means 'corpse'. This pose looks like a sleeping posture but it requires concentration in every part of the body. Breathing method: Lie on your back. Keep your hands away from the body on the ground. Your palm should be half-open and should be facing towards the sky. Now close your eyes and lie down like a corpse. Focus on your respiration. After that move your attention towards your body and try to feel every part mentally. Start with the thumb of the foot and slowly move it up to your head. By doing this, all your organs will get relief and your body will go into a relaxed posture. After some time, bring your attention to Ajna Chakra and try to focus on it internally. Focus your attention on your breathing after practicing this exercise for a while. Breathe deeply and release. Imagine as if your body is reviving. After this, move the fingers of your feet and hands. Then rub both the palms of the hands together until it becomes hot due to friction. Now keep it on your eyes and sit in meditation posture. After some time turn to the left and then get up from this state. Benefits: This exercise provides relief from physical and mental fatigue. Your revived body and mind making you feel blissful and contented. It also relieves problems like depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia, and weakness of the nervous system. This yoga improves concentration and mental stability even more. Please note: To practice this, consult a doctor of yoga or health or a specialist or advisor.
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Aug 27, 2019, 3:10 PM Mahesh Siddappa Dhabe