Animal Lost their Freedom: because of human

Watching the wild animals in the jungles, in the mountains, scientists have come to discover a certain idea: that they have a territorial imperative, that each animal has his own territory. if you don't enter his territory, he will not bother you, but if you enter his territory, coming too close, and who knows if you are a friend or a foe?

The scientist studying the whole thing came to a conclusion: why are these animals so much interested in keeping a certain space of their own and not allowing anybody else to enter? - they found that it is fear. The other animal can be death. It is better to earn him, and before he attacks the best way to defend yourself is to attack. So if anybody enters your territory, you attack him before he attacks you; and whoever attacks first has more chances to be victorious.a

Animal lost their Freedom:-

In zoos, where man has kept animals in small spaces...

Psychologists have been shocked to learn that in the wild, animals never go mas, never commit suicide, never become homosexuals, never attack their own species. But in a zoo they start doing strange things: they become homosexuals, they start attacking their own species. 

Tiger at Zoo

  Otherwise, except man, no animal attacks his own species. it is a prerogative of humanity -- only a man kills another man. No lion kills another lion.

But in a zoo it happens that they lose all their natural instinctive intelligence; they start becoming crazy. mad. And strangely enough, they even start committing suicide, and the reason is that their territory has been taken away and they are living in constant fear. So many animals so close - They cannot sleep, they cannot relax, the other animals may attack.

Monky has lost their freedom


They have lost their freedom, they have lost their sleep, they have lost their sanity( the ability to think and behave the normal and rational manner; mental health).

And to live in such conditions, a point comes when it is better to commit suicide rather than live in such torture.



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