The pre historic phase can be roughly didived into 3 parts i.e.,paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic.


* PALEOLITHIC AGE (250000-10000 B.C)

- Paleolithic Culture developed in the pliestocene period.

- pleistocene  was the period when ice was covered the earths surface.

- The main tools used during this period are handaxes, cleavers, Choppers, flakes, burins, scrappers.

- Their tools were made up of hard rock called "Quartzile"

- The paleolithic sites are spread in practically all parts of india except the alluvial plains of the indus and ganga.

- The people of this age lived on hunting and gathering wild fruits and vegetables.

- Man during this period used tools of unpolished, undressed rough stones and lived in cave rock shelters. 

- They had no knowledge of agriculture, fire, or pottery of any metal. 

- In the later paleolithic phase domestication of animals was practiced.

- Homo sapiens first appeared in the last of this phase.

- It has been pointed out that paleolithic men beloged to the "Negritorace.

- The paleolithic Age in india has been divided into three phases according to the nature of stone tools - Early or lower paleolithicand upper paleolithic.



- The pre historic phase can be roughly divided into three parts i.e., paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic.

- The indus valley civilisation was an ancient civilisation thriving along the indus river in what is now in pakistan, and north western india.

- The Early Aryans settle in Eastern Afghanistan, modern Pakistan, Punjab and  part  of western uttar pradesh.

- In trhe 16th century BC onwards, the land between Himalayas and narmada was divided into 16 Mahajanapadas..

- Magadhas embraced the former districts of patna. Gaya & parts of shahbad and grew to be the leading state of the time.

-Mauryan empire covered the whole territory from hindukhush to bengal and extended over afghanistan, Baluchistan, Kashmir, Nepal & whole of india


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